
Recursos de programación de xp
Hace unos meses decidimos juntarnos y hacer un equipo de desarrollo a la XP, y así nacimos como Coding Stones. En nuestro último proyecto, pudímos aplicar todo nuestro kung-fu sobre DDD y vimos que nos encajaba muy bien la separación de Actions como Application Services que propone Sandro Mancuso en sus charlas sobre IDD o Crafted Design. Y nos gustaría compartir las experiencias sobre lo que hemos aprendido con el resto de la comunidad
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I'm very happy to announce that I've joined Codesai's team. Many reasons made my path converge with Codesai's one. First of all, the people in Codesai. I met Carlos in 2011, because he was teaching the first TDD course I attended. Carlos is a humble and honest person that tries very hard to make sure his actions match what he believes. Later I've known him as a quiet, open-minded leader who is always willing to listen what other people have to say, and this permeates the whole Codesai team. Duri...
Post previously published in Spanish Equipos de desarrollo / No RockstarsThe "Solo Developer" does not work anymore. "Is a good developer, but... he can't work in a team..." is no longer good enough. Even I think, that the practices that works well for you but are not shared among the team are not good practices anymore.Nowadays there are no development efforts for one person. Programming has become a team effort, so the collaboration, communication and empathy are much important for the fi...
Después de interesarme por XP y por muchas de las prácticas técnicas, comencé a interesarme por Scrum, pero lo entendía como un método para organizar el equipo, con sus artefactos, y algunos principios pero secundarios. Pero no fue hasta que asistí al curso de Scrum Master impartido por Alan Cyment y Ariel Ber (Madrid Nov 2010) que mi mente no hizo el “Click” y comencé a entender el profundo cambio que requiere Scrum en la forma de trabajo. Cristalice todas estas ideas mientras Ariel nos ayudaba...
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Understanding the Four Rules of Simple Designby Corey HainesGreat technical book with tons of distilled advice about software design. It is mainly focused design at a class level, but some of the advice can be extrapolated to a macro design level.I enjoy a lot the book and it is easy to read and to understand, but it requires at least a medium level of OO design experience to learn from the content. Definitively not a entry level book.The contents of the book come from the experience of Corey Ha...
The following quote explains many of the existing problems of agile methodology. "I learned from Jeff Sutherland that the first Scrum actually did all the XP practices. But Ken Schwaber convinced him to leave the engineering practices out of Scrum, to keep the model simple and let the teams take responsibility for the tech practices themselves. Perhaps this helped spread Scrum faster, but the downside is that a lot of teams suffer because they lack the technical practices that enable sustainable...
1,2th july Santiago de CompostelaOfficial site: http://aos2016.agile-spain.org/Twitter: https://twitter.com/aos2k16Twitter official hastag: https://twitter.com/hashtag/aos2k16?src=hash SessionsDesign Sprint (https://twitter.com/artzis)Artitz explains the complete process of a “design sprint” created by Google Ventures to initial design of a product, or to understand a startup product.They use this artifact to put all the team on the same page and answer important questions for the prod...
17, 18th JuneOfficial site: http://pamplonaswcraft.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/pamplonaswcraft Twitter official hastag: https://twitter.com/hashtag/scpna?src=hashThe event was organized basically by three guys (#amazing) from https://twitter.com/540info http://540deg.com/.It was a mix of Open Space and Talks.SessionsWhat a mess! Alfredo CasadoExamples about rewrites of systems that as usually gone bad… is very strange that this kind of things are good idea…The most important thing is to he...
originally published at TheMotion.com blogIn recent months, several colleagues asked me why I started working at TheMotion if I was already employed with one of the best development and product teams in the country: development practices consolidated, sane culture and in continuous improvement, XP, DevOps culture, an interesting product with good quality (see Alea Soluciones Bifer team).For me, the answer was simple: to learn and improve as a professional.For some time now, I’ve had an interest...
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I've just watched this wonderful talk by Rachel Davies: XP in the 21st Century - por Garajeando