Vídeos de programación

Vídeos sobre programación y desarrollo de software.
Ernesto Hernández habla en esta edición de Codemotion sobre las Arquitecturas de microservicios
El objetivo de la entrevista es dar a conocer de manera personal a uno de los referentes en diversas materias como Agile, Git,skethnoting, MadridJS y Agile Spain.
http://www.bigdataspain.org Abstract: http://www.bigdataspain.org/2014/conference/large-scale-graphs-with-google-tm-pregel This talk will give a good overview over the complex architecture of the Pregel framework and will give some insights where there are potential bottlenecks when writing a Pregel algorithm. Session presented at Big Data Spain 2014 Conference 17th Nov 2014 Kinépolis Madrid Event promoted by: http://www.paradigmatecnologico.com Slides: https://speakerdeck.com/bigdataspain/processing-large-scale-graphs-with-google-tm-pregel-by-michael-hackstein-at-big-data-spain-2014
http://www.bigdataspain.org Abstract: http://www.bigdataspain.org/2014/conference/analysis-of-tourists-in-madrid-barcelona-big-data-spain The purpose of the study is to make use of the opportunities for the sector, in particular the hotel industry, of incorporating macrodata collected from the electronic activity of anonymous foreign tourists into their market research. Analysis of the vast amount of data produced by digital activity opens up a wide range of opportunities for companies to enhance the services they offer and the management of their business. This study is a first step in understanding the possibilities of Big Data. In this specific case, we are looking to contribute and add value to what is a key sector for the Spanish economy. However, it can be replicated in another economic and social sectors. One of the document’s main strengths lies in having been able to gather together and cross­reference data from two different companies: Telefónica Móviles España and BBVA. Session presented at Big Data Spain 2014 Conference 18th Nov 2014 Kinépolis Madrid Event promoted by: http://www.paradigmatecnologico.com Slides: https://speakerdeck.com/bigdataspain/big-data-the-potential-for-data-to-improve-service-and-business-management-by-albert-solana-at-big-data-spain-2014
http://www.bigdataspain.org Abstract: http://www.bigdataspain.org/2014/conference/sinfonier-real-time-analytics-and-cybersecurity-by-telefonica Never in the history of the world has so much information been available at our fingertips. Yet taking advantage of this ever-increasing amount of information is hampered by the lack of dynamic and user-friendly technologies that provide real-time processing capabilities, a serious handicap in a business where time is always critical. Session presented at Big Data Spain 2014 Conference 18th Nov 2014 Kinépolis Madrid Event promoted by: http://www.paradigmatecnologico.com
http://www.bigdataspain.org/ Abstract: http://www.bigdataspain.org/2014/conference/torodb-a-new-nosql-database-that-replaces-mongodb In the recent years, NoSQL databases have been gaining a lot of traction. Most of them haven been designed and written from scratch. Building on the principles of schema-less and high scalability, they offer a distinct approach to that of relational databases. But rather than re-using what the industry has learned in the last 3 decades of database development, most of these databases are re-inventing the wheel and designing the data storage layers -one of the toughest part when building a database- from scratch. Session presented at Big Data Spain 2014 Conference 17th Nov 2014 Kinépolis Madrid Event promoted by: http://www.paradigmatecnologico.com
http://www.bigdataspain.org Abstract: http://www.bigdataspain.org/2014/conference/internet-of-things-large-scale-data-analysis-by-amazon The rise of open-source electronics platforms enabled makers and developers to build devices capable of interacting with our environment. The processing power of those devices is limited, but they are often equiped with internet access which allows them to use Amazon Web Services (AWS) to provide more features or data processing capabilities to their users. Companies such as Dropcam for video capture, or Illumina for DNA sequencing, already produced devices that directly use AWS to offer much richer services by processing every day terabytes of data. Session presented at Big Data Spain 2014 Conference 17th Nov 2014 Kinépolis Madrid Event promoted by: http://www.paradigmatecnologico.com
http://www.bigdataspain.org Abstract: http://www.bigdataspain.org/2014/conference/kettle-an-etl-tool-and-nosql-databases Nowadays some business professionals are unable of develop processes to manipulate data because it is in different distributed systems or databases and they need to adquire new knowledge and being in continunous learning. Kettle is a tool that was made to simply the action of developing data processes to extract, transform and store data. Session presented at Big Data Spain 2014 Conference 18th Nov 2014 Kinépolis Madrid Event promoted by: http://www.paradigmatecnologico.com
http://www.bigdataspain.org Abstract:http://www.bigdataspain.org/2014/conference/stratio-crossdata-a-sql-like-language-for-streaming-queries This is achieved thanks to its generic architecture and the definition of a custom SQL-like language. Our language augments the classical SQL data manipulation language in order to add support for streaming queries. From the point of view of the user, a common logical view of the existing catalogs and datastores is presented independently of which cluster or technology stores a particular table. Session presented at Big Data Spain 2014 Conference 18th Nov 2014 Kinépolis Madrid Event promoted by: http://www.paradigmatecnologico.com
http://www.bigdataspain.org Abstract: http://www.bigdataspain.org/2014/conference/google-cloud-platform-to-predict-football-matches Using the Google Cloud Platform, Open Source tools and a data set full of historical, fine-grained data about soccer, we were able to correctly predict 14 out of 16 matches in the knockout phase of the World Cup. In this workshop we'll share the code, instructions, and data so that anyone can now repeat and extend our process. Session presented at Big Data Spain 2014 Conference 17th Nov 2014 Kinépolis Madrid Event promoted by: http://www.paradigmatecnologico.com