Vídeos de programación

Vídeos sobre programación y desarrollo de software.
Charla de Rubén Bernárdez en el OpenBiko acerca de qué es React, qué nos aporta y por qué lo hemos elegido como compañero de viaje. #openbiko
A story about global rewrite of enterprise application into React / Redux with the happy end. Migrating application into a brand new stack is not a big deal, but if you have a really huge app is can become a nightmare! I'd like to share our experience, lessons we learned, some architecture decisions we made during over a year rewrite process of one of the applications in Jira family.
The design of the video game Fragments of Him is 100% driven by the goal of keeping the player involved in the story. This required many small design choices to be made about how to smooth the player's experience and how to amplify the narrative through the interactions and world design. This talk will cover the challenges we came up against in the development of the game, including many practical examples of game design to improve narrative immersion. The session delivers many tips you can apply to improve your own games, whether narrative is their focus or not.
Life of a trader in Westeros isn't easy. Navigate the fastest path, buy and sell and above all, make a profit. And then, of course, there are Dragons.. This talk, based on the open source training material we've made for The Hague University, will explain and visualize various algorithms needed for making a bot that intelligently traverses a map, decides what to buy and where to sell to make a profit. Besides some silly and naive algorithms we'll be covering A*, Ant Race, and decision trees and making them efficient. Next time you enter a fantasy world, you'll know what to do!
Full title: DevOps at ING Analytics: data engineering, data operations ING was one of the early adopters of the DevOps movement. Currently, there is a lot of expertise in the organization: way of working, tools, and HR are all catered for DevOps. In the Analytics area, these best practices were the basis of a modern and stable architecture where data engineers, operations, and data scientists work together with business people on daily basis. The technology stack includes Hadoop, Spark, Flink, Kafka, Cassandra, and several IBM tools. In the talk I’m going to share tools evolution, skills and processes in place. Touching in the second part two use-cases.
When faced with the challenge to procedurally generate downhill mountain bike tracks for our new game 'Descenders', an approach based on randomness and noise was not enough. In order to create varied, interesting and challenging levels it was necessary to translate the game's design goals into an algorithm, basically teaching the computer how it should design. We will take a look at how a level in Descenders is generated from scratch, and what's going on under the hood during every step of this process.
Charla de Rubén Bernárdez en el OpenBiko acerca de qué es React, qué nos aporta y por qué lo hemos elegido como compañero de viaje. #openbiko
David Gil nos cuenta todo lo que debemos saber en torno a la automatización de marketing en el OpenBiko. #openbiko
Charla de Ujué Agudo en el OpenBiko acerca de los puntos en común y de las diferencias en torno a la investigación científica frente a la investigación UX. #openbiko
Resumen de la XV edición del Open Biko. Un evento en torno a las nuevas tecnologías, tendencias digitales y el entorno online. #openbiko