Vídeos de programación

Vídeos sobre programación y desarrollo de software.
Gracias a los avances en el ecosistema Scala, a día de hoy montar un proyecto es tan fácil como ejecutar un comando. En este vídeo veremos cómo empezar a programar en Scala en menos de 1 minuto. Más información: http://codely.tv/screencasts/scala-sbt-new/
Demis Hassabis is the founder and CEO of DeepMind, a neuroscience-inspired AI company, bought by Google in Jan 2014 in their largest European acquisition to date. He leads projects including the development of AlphaGo, the first program to ever beat a professional player at the game of Go. Campuses are Google's spaces for entrepreneurs to learn, connect, and build companies that will change the world. At Campus, entrepreneurs get unparalleled access to mentorship and trainings led by their local startup community, experienced entrepreneurs, and teams from Google. Campuses are part of a global network including Campus London, Campus Tel Aviv, Campus Seoul, Campus Madrid, Campus Sao Paulo, and Campus Warsaw. Subscribe to the Campus YouTube channel for more: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=CampusLondon
We've been at the #BuildStuffEs conference organized on April 29th. There we could talk with Eric about his talk "Good Design is Imperfect Design". He's the author of the book "Domain-Driven Design: Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Software".
@filipvanlaenen JDK IO 2017 Copenhagen "So you're going to run your project in a public cloud. That should be easy, because everything is taken care of, “as a Service”, right? Well, think again, because it turns out clouds have trenches too. And sharp, bleeding edges. Sure enough, you don't have to set up any hardware. But you still have to set up virtual machines, nodes, containers, or whatever it is you'll be deploying your software to. This will have to be configured in a development environment. And a test environment. A staging environment. A production environment. And a couple of environments more, because it’s easy and cheap to create more environments, right? You better think that through from the start of your project. Then there’s security. Not just the firewalls that have to be configured, but authentication and authorization. Your data isn’t just sitting around on a local server in an internal zone protected by your corporation’s firewall. It’s in the cloud! Uploading data to the development environment is suddenly the same thing as running a production system. Performance becomes a new challenge in the cloud. You probably won’t be able to outscale Google, Microsoft or Amazon, but they can pretty easy outscale you with a large bill. And finally, the joy of beta versions, or if you’re a privileged partner, alpha versions! Are you sure you want to touch them? Or can’t you afford to not touch them? You’ll be bleeding anyway. Developing software in and for the cloud is a lot of fun, but don’t expect to always be on cloud nine!" want to know more about Autentia? https://www.autentia.com
@mpproch Microservices architecture is one of the most trendy topics in IT these days. Everyone looks at Netflix, LinkedIn or Zalando and tries to be like them. It’s all very good. But at heart of this revolution lie some well known ideas on modularity and decoupling. And guess what? Idea of modular Java applications is also not new. Even term “microservice” has been in use on JVM since many, many years. However, the main technology for modular Java - OSGi - was always struggling to gain proper attention and we’re still waiting for modules in JDK itself. In this talk I’d like to explain (and show during quick demo) why you shouldn’t too easily dismiss both OSGi and Java 9 - in many use cases, with little effort they can give you important benefits, without having to spin hundreds of VMs or containers. https://www.autentia.com
@gunnarmorling Rich UIs, schemaless datastores, microservices communicating with each other - the need for powerful and easy-to-use data validation services has never been bigger. The Bean Validation standard is here to help, providing Java developers with a rich validation API based on annotations. Bean Validation 2.0 (JSR 380) makes validation even more powerful and expressive by leveraging Java 8 features such as additional annotation locations, repeatable annotations and default methods. This opens up exciting opportunities for Bean Validation - e.g. List @Email String. There is also support for java.util.Optional, the new java.time API, JavaFX and more. In this code-centric talk we’ll explore many Bean Validation features right in the IDE. You’ll learn how constraint validation is triggered via JAX-RS, JPA and even on the client side via AngularJS. You’ll find out how to adjust the validation system to your own requirements, ensuring your data is sane at all times. https://www.autentia.com
@thmuch Those who have survived the DTO hell of former J2EE versions, where we had to copy data between all the layers of our enterprise applications, appreciate the ease that Spring and Java EE have brought us more than one decade ago. But if we look closely at our current architectures and design styles like Hexagonal Architecture and DDD, we're in need again for adapters and transfer objects, for example in the anticorruption layer of a DDD bounded context. In other words: We still need to map data between different entity structures. Often, BeanUtils or Dozer are used to map data between entities, DTOs and similar structures. But those mappings can be slow and are error-prone due to missing type safety... Say hello to MapStruct, the fast and type-safe bean mapper, which - as an annotation processor - generates mapping code at compile time and goes without reflection! https://www.autentia.com
@jgarzas Congreso Agile 17 8 junio 2017 Madrid La evolución hacia la Empresa Digital pone a la industria TIC y a los Departamentos de TI en una encrucijada: por una parte la tecnología se ha vuelto crítica para los negocios, mientras que por otra tienen que seguir lidiando con culturas, formas de trabajar e infrastructuras tecnológicas existentes no adecuadas, pero que sustentan las organizaciones. Es necesario una visión integradora entre la Tecnología, la nueva Cultura y la Gestión de los Servicios. Actualmente el gran auge de la agilidad, Scrum y otra serie de metodologías han vuelto a sacar a la luz la importancia de las personas, de los equipos, a la hora de desarrollar software. Sin embargo, aunque le damos tanta importancia a este tema, hay muchos ámbitos más de “gestión” de personas del día a día de los equipos que quedan muy difusas: ¿qué pasa con la motivación, liderazgo, selección, gestión de equipos, dentro del ámbito técnico, de la ingeniería del software? Todos los videos de ITSMF - Congreso Agile https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKxa4AIfm4pXSXfYplyUX0adlju5nyf3g Descarga gratis la versión digital del libro de Roberto Canales “Conversaciones con CEOs y CIOs sobre Transformación Digital y Metodologías Ágiles ” https://goo.gl/i2zZtJ Conoce más de Autentia en https://www.autentia.com