Vídeos de programación

Vídeos sobre programación y desarrollo de software.
Ana Belén Rodríguez nos cuenta cómo ha sido su paso por Leroy Merlín. Nos habla de la transformación digital y cómo influye en el talento y la gestión de las personas. Entendemos el talento de una forma diferente
Principales retos de las empresas en la búsqueda de personal tecnológico cualificado
To make applications more portable without the heavy redesign during migration remains to be one of the main DevOps goals. In some cases, the unaffordable complexity during migration requires a significant redesign of existing legacy applications. However, stateful containers can simplify the migration task drastically. With the help of stateful containers IT companies are able to migrate legacy Java applications with zero code change making some minor or even no adjustments. After migration, engineers will be able to improve the architecture of the legacy applications by decomposing monolithic architecture to multiple containers or even to microservices. In the future that will allow to easily redesign stateful applications to stateless by moving state to another layer or keep it as is and benefit from containers portability, live migration, vertical scaling elasticity, density and other features. Come to this session to see live migration across several clouds in action with no downtime or data loss.
Interview with Peter Lawrey, Java Champion and CEO @Higher Frequency Trading Ltd during J On The Beach 2016. Málaga, Spain. May, 2016.
Interview with Edson Yanaga, Java Champion and Director of Developer Experience @Red Hat during J On The Beach 2016. Malaga, Spain. May 2016.
Interview with Jason Cornez , CTO at Ravenpack during J On The Beach 2016. Málaga, Spain. May 2016.
Interview with Ivan Krylov Software Developer at Azul Systems during J On The Beach 2016. Málaga, Spain. May 2016.
Interview with Jamie Allen, Senior Director of Global Services @Lightbend during J On The Beach 2016. Málaga, Spain. May 2016
Interview with Roland Kuhn, Founder and CEO of Actyx AG during J On The Beach 2016. Málaga,Spain. May 2016.
Interview with Juan José del Río, Global Head of Delivery Services @The Workshop during J On The Beach 2016. Málaga, Spain. May 2016.