Vídeos de programación

Vídeos sobre programación y desarrollo de software.
In this presentation I will show some of the advantages of using the Grails framework. Grails is a web-framework built on the “shoulders of giants”. It acts as an easy, yet very powerful layer on top of Spring MVC, Hibernate and Sitemesh. It aims at developer speed by applying “convention over configuration”, sensible defaults and easy access to common functionality. It integrates easily with application containers (like Tomcat) on the JVM. Grails has a lively plugin community, where a wide variety of common functionality is captured.
In dog years… err… Open Source years, the Groovy programming language project is a very mature and successful one, as its 4.5 million downloads a year can attest. The Groovy language is certainly the most widely deployed alternative language of the JVM today. But how do we go from a hobby night & week-end project to professionally company sponsored? And back again to hobby mode but joining the wider Apache Software Foundation community? Guillaume will guide you through the history of the project, its latest developments, and its recent news, outlining the importance of a community around an Open Source project. Also, we’ll discuss what it means to contribute, when it’s your hobby or as a paid committer — what does it change? What it means to join the Apache community, what the impact of professional Open Source is, and more.
¿Quieres saber más? https://www.paradigmadigital.com/ Índice interactivo aquí debajo: 00:09 Presentación 00:20 Índice 00:40 1. Integración contínua 00:41 1.1 ¿Qué es? 01:32 1.2 Pruebas 02:02 1.3 Sin integración contínua 02:20 1.4 ¿Quién? 02:56 2. Jenkins 02:58 2.1 ¿Qué es? 03:39 2.2 Plugins 05:52 2.3 Buenas prácticas 10:02 3. Demo 16:04 Esto es todo 16:10 Preguntas
Continuous Delivery enables building, testing and deploying of software through build pipelines faster and more frequently with a well known steps. But how to implement a continuous delivery pipeline in real world? How to translate the theory into practice? In this session we are going to discuss how Jenkins and Gradle can help you on build this pipeline/workflow and the advantages of implementing this pipeline as code instead of using Jenkins static build steps. We will start by a really simple Java EE application and learn how to build it with Gradle, automating unit, integration and functional tests, incorporating popular code quality tools, as well as packaging, publishing and deploying the deliverable using Jenkins Workflow as the director of the whole process. @alexsotob - @CloudBees
In this talk we’ll look “under the hood” at some of the internal features of the implementation of GORM, and implement some dynamic functionality to solve some interesting problems. @burtbeckwith @grails_plugins