Vídeos de programación

Vídeos sobre programación y desarrollo de software.
El motivo 5 de Autentia viene de la mano de Jorge Pacheco. Pretendemos que sean ellos, quienes forman parte de Autentia, los que os digan por qué Autentia es una Empresa Diferente y por qué ellos están contentos aquí. Conoce más de Autentia en https://www.autentia.com ¡Síguenos en el twitter @autentia!
Evolutionary architecture is becoming more broadly accepted, but understanding of how to accomplish it is still lacking. We'll see how our understanding and acceptance of evolutionary architecture has developed.
You have great ideas. You're smart. The people in your organization are smart. Post Hoc, Ergo Propter Hoc -- the rest is easy -- simply make a transition plan and transparently explain the benefits. These and other organizational change myths will be tackled by Linda's talk about patterns for introducing new ideas. She will provide some useful tips for helping you start on Monday morning to grow, step by step, any innovation.
The containers and particularly Docker have been one of the buzzwords of the last years, but do they offer what they promise? In this talk will see a very quick an basic Docker 101 introduction and then will see how we can take advantages of all its features for developing and deploying our Grails applications.
In dog years… err… Open Source years, the Groovy programming language project is a very mature and successful one, as its 4.5 million downloads a year can attest. The Groovy language is certainly the most widely deployed alternative language of the JVM today. But how do we go from a hobby night & week-end project to professionally company sponsored? And back again to hobby mode but joining the wider Apache Software Foundation community? Guillaume will guide you through the history of the project, its latest developments, and its recent news, outlining the importance of a community around an Open Source project. Also, we’ll discuss what it means to contribute, when it’s your hobby or as a paid committer — what does it change? What it means to join the Apache community, what the impact of professional Open Source is, and more.
Episodio en vivo con varios panelistas para discutir UML
En este curso aprenderás los principios básicos de los sistemas que forman un multicóptero. De que partes está formado y cómo funcionan las diferentes partes conectadas entre si. A medida que aprendas estos conceptos aplicarás la teoría aprendida construyendo tu propio quadcopter. Al finalizar el curso tendrás tu propio multicóptero totalmente funcional, y además tendrás los conocimientos suficientes para dejar volar tu imaginación y diseñar tus propios drones! Accede al curso en https://geekshubsacademy.com/cursos/construccion-de-un-drone-new