
Recursos de programación de android
La charla completa en: ------------- 1. ¿Crees que el desarrollo nativo será sustituido por flutter y el desarrollo híbrido en poco tiempo? 2. ¿Crees que, tras comprobar que ninguna tecnología de desarrollo híbrido ha funcionado, el éxito de Flutter depende de si Fuchsia acaba triunfando y sustituyendo a Android? --------------- ¡Conoce Autentia! Twitter: Instagram: LinkedIn: Facebook:
1. Da la sensación de que MVI es algo más complejo que MVP o MVVM, ¿recomendarías MVI a alguien que comienza en el mundillo Android? 2. Google está apostando por MVVM y ya lo encontramos en el SDK de Android. ¿Son tantas las ventajas de MVI como para no seguir la recomendación oficial de Google? 3. ¿Se integra bien MVI con las corrutinas de Kotlin?, ¿cuál es tu experiencia? ------------ ¡Conoce Autentia! Twitter: Instagram: LinkedIn: Facebook:
Before Kotlin Coroutines (async programming in Kotlin) was stable, they were launched in a way that made them difficult to maintain and track down. Structured Concurrency introduced changes to solve these problems but also involved an ideological shift in order to use them. In this talk, you'll learn how to do async programming in Kotlin using Structured Concurrency principles covering topics such as launching coroutines, scopes, error handling and testing. Interviewed Speaker: Manuel is an Android Developer in the Developer Relations team at Google where he works to help other developers succeed.
Before Kotlin Coroutines (async programming in Kotlin) was stable, they were launched in a way that made them difficult to maintain and track down. Structured Concurrency introduced changes to solve these problems but also involved an ideological shift in order to use them. In this talk delivered as part of CodeMotion Madrid, Manuel Vicente Vivo detailed how to do async programming in Kotlin using Structured Concurrency principles covering topics such as launching coroutines, scopes, error handling and testing. Interviewed Speaker: Manuel is an Android Developer in the Developer Relations team at Google where he works to help other developers succeed.
Imagínate una conversación telefónica como esta: —Buenos días.—Buenas, me han dado tu referencia y queríamos consultar contigo sobre un negocio que queremos sacar adelante.—¡Ah! Pues bien, cuénteme…—Es un proyecto sencillo pero de alto valor. ¿Te cuento entonces? —vaciló por un momento esperando una respuesta— Sí, es una pena que no nos podamos ver para ponerlo en común…—Tengo algo de lío…—Queríamos mandar un cohete a la luna y tenerlo de vuelta para dentro de un mes. —¿Perdone? ¿Qué dijo de l...
I'm going to be telling you about what happens after your code reaches production, and how we can make that better. So as developers, we like to solve problems. We like to write code in order to feel like we're having an impact on the world. But the problem is that solving problems doesn't really just stop from the moment that we commit our code and land it into Git. We have to actually make sure that it's serving our users and making them happy. And as our systems grow more and more complex, it's much more difficult to understand what's actually going on. How can we make sure that our customers are having good experiences? How can we be sure that when things actually get deployed into production, for instance, when they're running on someone's Android device, or when they're running on millions of web browsers, how do we make sure that everything is still working as we planned? And what does it even mean for a system to be up or down? [...] Don't waste your time working on things that are not important. Work on your system to make it just reliable enough, and then go back to working on features. But then be prepared to go back to working on reliability when you need to. But a thing that people commonly overlook is that if you do not have observability, that is a systematic risk. That is a risk that adds to the length of every outage that you have. If you are spending the first 20 or 30 minutes out of every outage trying to figure out what's going on, and how to make it stop, that's a lot of unhappy users. So that's a systemic risk. And that's something that you may need to think about addressing. The other thing that's a hidden risk is a lack of collaboration. You may not necessarily see it directly when you do this risk analysis, but if your customer support team doesn't feel comfortable raising issues, then you're going to have issues last a lot longer before you even start working on them.
Alguien que programa y que da amor a su código. ¿Se puede pedir más? Así es nuestro invitado de hoy. Recuerda que la entrevista tiene una segunda parte privada que puedes escuchar en el episodio 38 de Web Reactiva Premium. Allí nos contará trucos que utiliza en su día a día, cómo afronta la creación de nuevas features en un proyecto y el buen futuro del desarrollo de aplicaciones Android. ¿Quieres saber que hay en la Zona Premium? Pues en esta pagina te lo cuento todo. Comparto muchas cosa...
En este video encontraréis los testimonios de los alumnos que acaban de finalizar el Curso de Arquitectura Android por Diego Ojeda - Android Lead en Apiumhub. Un curso que se ha centrado en trabajar con Kotlin, en la metodología de trabajo, la aplicación de buenas prácticas y en TDD.
Apium Academy ( ) es una iniciativa que hemos emprendido este año y que nace con el objetivo de ofrecer cursos de programación de calidad en Barcelona. Hemos trabajado muy duro para crear el espacio físico en el que se darán los cursos de Apium Academy, y por fin podemos compartirlo con todo el mundo. La inauguración tuvo lugar en Plaza Urquinaona, 1, Entresuelo Derecha B. Presentamos la academia y sus cursos ( arquitectura Android, arquitectura Fronted, Product Ownership, cusros personalizados, etc.), visita guiada del espacio y...sorpresas. Si estás interesado en alguno de los cursos, ¡Apúntate y te mandaremos toda la información de Matrícula!
Nexi, in partnership with Codemotion, presents the Nexi Dev Training Program a multichannel learning program that aims to disclose all the services developers can use on Nexi’s Platform. Get more info and register here: The Nexi Dev Training Program is a unique opportunity to get to know Nexi’s world, discover the full potential of its services and become part of an exclusive community of specialized developers. The training program consists of 4 independent modules on 4 different topics: Introduction to the XPAY gateway: simple payments and invisible payments. Introduction to Nexi SmartPOS and how to create applications such as virtual loyalty cards and catalogue product management. Introduction of XPAY through XPAY build, the customization of the payment user experience and some hints at the integration of the back office. SDKs for mobile (iOS and Android). For each topic, there will be a video, a tech article and a final quiz. Once you have passed all the 4 tests you will receive a certificate attesting you have successfully completed the training program, along with a digital badge that you can share on your social channels and on your LinkedIn profile. Among those who pass all 4 tests, Nexi will select the best candidate who will have the opportunity to become a Nexi Tech Ambassador. But there’s more! We will organize meetups to foster the networking and we will launch a coding challenge to test your knowledge. For any further info feel free to contact us at Get more info and register here: