commit conf

Recursos de programación de commit conf
¿Estáis listos para revivir los momentos más épicos de la #CommitConf2023? La Commit Conf 2023 fue una explosión de inspiración, innovación y comunidad y nosotros no nos la podiamos perder. ¡Fue una verdadera fiesta de la tecnología! Aquí te dejamos un pequeño resumen de cómo lo vivimos nosotros.
Vídeo resumen de las dos jornadas de Commit Conf 2023, que ha vuelto de forma presencial el 21 y 22 de abril para reunir a los y las profesionales del sector IT.
Un evento imperdibile dedicato alle nuove tendenze del mondo dell'innovazione!
🙏 Thanks a million to all the devs who have packed the conference rooms and to all the sponsors who have shared their challenges and new opportunities with us. ❤️ We have spent two days with those who are shaping the world of tomorrow. Such a precious experience is hard to describe with words alone. 🚀 We are going forward, always aiming above and beyond. We code the future. Together. 👏 And special thanks go to our ambassadors, who are always there for us! The Codemotion Conference is a must-attend gathering for savvy devs and IT professionals craving for insights on the latest technologies, inspirational talks, and hands-on activities.
Javier is an experienced technologist that has been working in different technical and management roles over the last 20 years: leading development teams, evangelizing about geographic information technology and even writing software for various models of fighter aircraft. He believes in zero-bug software, paranoid testing, agile methodologies automation and team work. Passionate runner and skier, he has decided his next big adventure will be to have fun developing the best big-data analytics front-end anyone has ever seen. Javier has a Computer Engineering Degree from University of Zaragoza ------------- ¡Conoce Autentia! -Twitter: -Instagram: -LinkedIn: -Facebook:
Sociologist specialized in Communication and Social Psychology. Committed to social and ethical projects, I have worked in the Communication strategies field and in Human Resources. Always interested in digital products world. Researching how to make teams and people can work and feel better, with a practical approach. ------------- ¡Conoce Autentia! -Twitter: -Instagram: -LinkedIn: -Facebook:
Gunnar is a Senior Developer Advocate at Amazon Web Services (AWS) based in Sweden. He has previously worked as both a frontend and backend developer, as an operations engineer within cloud infrastructure, and as a technical trainer, in addition to several different management roles. With a focus on building reliable and robust applications, Gunnar has been one of the driving forces in creating techniques and tools for using chaos engineering in serverless. He regularly and passionately speaks at events on these and other topics around the world. ------------- ¡Conoce Autentia! -Twitter: -Instagram: -LinkedIn: -Facebook:
Almudena Martín Castro es licenciada en Bellas Artes y graduada en Física. Compatibiliza su trabajo en diseño digital con una intensa actividad como divulgadora. Recibió el premio Tesla de divulgación en 2017 y el premio al mejor uso de la ciencia en el SpaceApps Challenge de la NASA en 2018. En 2020, su resolución, junto a Iñaki Úcar, del misterio del metrónomo de Beethoven, tuvo una gran repercusión nacional e internacional. Acaba de publicar su primer libro editado por HarperCollins. En "La lira desafinada de Pitágoras" relata cómo la música inspiró a la ciencia para entender el mundo. ------------- ¡Conoce Autentia! -Twitter: -Instagram: -LinkedIn: -Facebook: