commit conf

Recursos de programación de commit conf
Ramón is a software engineering and developer relations contractor based in Vienna, Austria. He's spent the last ten years being directly involved with small businesses and startups getting their apps off the ground or back in shape! His main motivation is community. He's not only actively worked with children, refugees as well as software builders both new and experienced, but also dedicated a significant amount of his time to organising conferences, workshops and other events aimed at helping empower folks in their tech journey. ------------- ¡Conoce Autentia! -Twitter: -Instagram: -LinkedIn: -Facebook:
Embárcate en un viaje para descubrir las últimas tendencias en backend, frontend, devops, IA/ML y mucho más en dos días de charlas, keynotes y paneles. La Codemotion Tech Conference es una cita obligada para las y los profesionales del mundo IT en búsqueda de novedades sobre las últimas tecnologías, charlas inspiracionales y actividades. ¡No te pierdas este encuentro hecho por y para devs! Conecta con los mejores desarrolladores y desarrolladoras, descubre nuevas herramientas y aplícalas en tu próximo proyecto. ¡Regístrate ahora y sé parte de la comunidad de desarrolladores más grande de Europa! Con la compra del "in person premium ticket" tendrás todos los beneficios del Premium Ticket y, además, ¡la participación presencial! ------------- ¡Conoce Autentia! -Twitter: -Instagram: -LinkedIn: -Facebook:
En esta charla, el committer de Micronaut Álvaro Sánchez-Mariscal, demostrará cómo se pueden construir rápidamente microservicios optimizados con Micronaut y GraalVM Native Image. Los asistentes aprenderán cómo la combinación de GraalVM Native Image y Micronaut puede dar lugar a aplicaciones eficientes, de alto rendimiento y optimizadas que pueden ser perfectamente desplegadas en entornos como Kubernetes o plataformas serverless. Habrá una sesión de programación en directo de una aplicación Micronaut utilizando Micronaut Data JDBC y GraalVM. Info del ponente: Álvaro Sánchez-Mariscal, Principal Member of Technical Staff, Oracle. Álvaro is a passionate developer and agile enthusiast with over 21 years of experience. He is now a Principal Member of Technical Staff at Oracle Labs, where he is a Micronaut committer, helping to maintain and evolve the open-source framework. Before that, he was a Staff Engineer at VMWare, where he led the creation of new products to build, package, verify and publish software solutions with confidence in the VMware Marketplace. Previously, he spent some years working in different industries like gambling games (Odobo) and fintech (4Finance). Prior to that, he created his own company, Salenda, in 2005, a software factory and Atlassian Solution Partner headquartered in Madrid, Spain. Adaptavist acquired Salenda in 2019. Previously, he worked at companies like IBM BCS, Sun Microsystems or BEA Systems, where he was recognised as BEA Technical Director, an MVP awards program. He was also one of the initial founders and member of the Board of Directors of javaHispano in 2002, the world's largest Spanish-speaking Java User Group. Álvaro has spoken in 11 different countries at conferences like Devoxx BE, GeeCON, JavaLand, JavaZone, Codemotion and Commit Conf. In his spare time, as well as coding and experimenting with new technologies, he likes to spend time with his wife and children, support CD Leganés football team, and play paddle tennis. ------------------- Síguenos en nuestras redes para enterarte de las próximas charlas: - Twitter: - Instagram: - LinkedIn: - Facebook:
Quinto appuntamento della serie #HRmeetsDEV. Una chiacchierata tra esperti HR ed esperti tech per approfondire le best practice di come attrarre e valorizzare i profili tecnici. Panel composto da: Luisa Corvino, Chief Human Resources Officer @ MotorK Marco Famiglietti, Global Solutions Partner @ Enel Giovanni Bajo, Chief Technical Officer @ Develer Salvatore Laisa, Senior Software Engineer @ TUI Musement Per ricevere più info sui prossimi appuntamenti, registrati qui:
We'll gather all IT professionals with different backgrounds and levels of experience providing them with technical excellence, cutting-edge technologies as well as hands-on activities, best practices & case studies.