commit conf

Recursos de programación de commit conf
In the last few months there's been a growing friction between those who see CSS as an untouchable layer in the "separation of concerns" paradigm, and those who have simply ignored this golden rule and found different ways to style the UI (typically applying CSS styles via JavaScript). This debate have brought division in a community that used to be immune to this kind of “wars”. This talk is my attempt to bring peace between the two fronts. To help these two opposite factions to understand and listen to each other, see the counterpart's points of views.
In a tribute to Romero's masterpiece, we will examine the resurgence of vulnerabilities we all thought dead. As soon as a security expert looks at the firmware and code of IoT devices, 2017 may as well be 1997: format string bugs, basic stack overflows and hardcoded credentials arise. Zero-days are actually forever-days. We will look at a number of real world cases of industrial and consumer IoT devices we tested and broke, and besides analyzing the most common and most outstanding findings, we will wonder why we seem unable to kill these pests once and forever.
Over the years the software development community developed and adopted a multitude of tools and methods that helps us create amazing products. But a smooth development process or a shiny stack of technology and tools do not guarantee a successful product. Let’s not get wrapped up with our professional process and primarily focus on the end result. In this talk I will share five common symptoms of development teams gone astray and how to cure them: The Scrum Pendulum, the Swamp of Continuous Delivery, Jira's Hammer, the Prototype Mirage and the The Creativity Blur.
Erik is one of the founders of Instruqt, a learning platform for DevOps tooling and Cloud technology. With Instruqt, each participant gets his/her own personal infrastructure, that is being created in seconds. In this talk I will show how we leveraged Terraform, Kubernetes and Google Cloud to create a scalable and cost-effective learning platform. I will discuss the choices we've made, the problems we encountered and the lessons learned.
At Quby we created Toon, the market’s best smart thermostat. The Toon IoT ecosystem covers a broad range of software stacks, ranging from embedded systems, mobile app, big data, edge computing, micro-services and everything in-between. Find out in this session how we ensure the maintainability of the existing, resource constrained, install-base of embedded IoT devices, and in parallel keep up with expanding the platform with additional new services.
Bert Jan is CTO at OpenValue and software craftsman at JPoint in the Netherlands. He focuses on Java, Continuous Delivery and DevOps. Bert Jan is a Java Champion, Developer Champion. JavaOne Rock Star speaker and leads NLJUG, the Dutch Java User Group. He loves to share his experience by speaking at conferences, writing for the Dutch Java magazine and helping out Devoxx4Kids with teaching kids how to code. Bert Jan is easily reachable on Twitter at @bjschrijver.
Containers provide a consistent environment to run services. Kubernetes help us to manage and scale our container cluster. Good start for a loosely coupled microservices architecture but not enough. How do you control the flow of traffic & enforce policies between services? How do you visualize service dependencies & identify issues? How can you provide verifiable service identities, test for failures? You can implement your own custom solutions or you can rely on Istio, an open platform to connect, manage and secure microservices.
Helm is the official package manager for Kubernetes. This session introduces Helm and illustrates its advantages over "kubectl" with plain Kubernetes manifests. We will learn about its architecture and features, such as lifecycle management, parameterizability using Go templating, chart dependencies, etc. Demos will explain how all the bits and pieces work together.
This is the story of my journey with JavaScript. It’s about the things that I wish I knew since the beginning, my “ah-ah that’s how it works!” moments that guided me to write code in a more expressive and declarative way. It's a love letter for this powerful language, in the form of a talk that bounces between the technical and the personal perspectives. My hope is that everyone in the room, even experienced developers, will learn a bit more about writing more idiomatic and consistent JavaScript code, learning from the mistakes I made and that I still witness every time I see other developers.
As developers, we solve problems, we handle challenges almost every day. Some developers take their technology, tools, infrastructures and frameworks for granted - they "magically" work. They think that by simply using them, they are considered experts. The truth is that they are "expert beginners". However, there are developers who constantly keep learning, dig deeper and understand why things work the way they do. They are on the path to become experts. They are "Active Learners". In this session, we will learn how to become Active Learners and how to avoid the "Expert Beginner" trap.