commit conf

Recursos de programación de commit conf
How VR, AR, MR and XR are changing the world as we know it - Avinash Changa - Codemotion Amsterdam 2018 Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Mixed Reality, what does it all mean? Is this just another evolution in tech, or is there more to it? Avinash Changa from pioneering studio WeMakeVR takes you on a journey along these technologies; a crash course on history, current state, and current relevance of the technology. He'll cover applications across industries, creative and production aspects, and give the audience a brief glimpse into the future. There will also be time for a Q&A session to dive deeper into the audience's specific topics of interest.
Full title: Everywhere commerce –voice interfaces, autonomous warehouses, self-driving delivery - Daniel Gebler - Codemotion Amsterdam 2018 In this keynote we will show how a unique combination of IoT, AI, Drones and autonomous vehicles is forming the next generation of commerce. From mobile to voice interfaces, from manual to autonomous warehouses, from human operated to self-driving cars. The technology is there, pilots are in operation, and broad adoption is not far away. We will show how Picnic and other retailers are building logistic platforms that unlock the next generation of commerce experience.
The Blender project - open source 3d creation - has taken off very well in professional areas in the past decade. One of the main success factors was establishing the Blender Institute in Amsterdam, with a studio where artists and developers work together on making compelling short animated films - while developing and testing a complete free and open software creation pipeline. Company founder and original Blender creator Ton Roosendaal will present a couple of development highlights and a vision of how to further grow Blender and open source development in the next decade.
More than 1000 Developers, Tech Leads, CTO, tech lovers joined Codemotion Amsterdam 2018 at Kromhoutal on May 8th to 9th. See the vibe and the passion for coding!
#Codemotion Rome 2018 - Would you like to provision a complete, fully configured DevOps environment with a single request? Or to get your application deployed automatically, in any cloud, everytime you commit a source edit? A powerful demo of how quick you can get it with CloudCenter: a single click to get a new source code repository (e.g. SVN, GitLab), a Jenkins orchestrator, an artifact repository (e.g. JFrog Artifactory or a web server) deployed and integrated end to end. After it’s done, we’ll see how the CI/CD process uses CloudCenter itself to deploy a web application on any cloud.
#Codemotion Rome 2018 - During the 2018 cycle a revolution is coming to the way developers will be able to write code in Unity. The new C# Job System allows to write multi-threaded code that is safe and easy to debug. In addition to it, the new Entity Component System (ECS) opens the possibility to use data-oriented programming to structure your game systems, for an incredible boost in performance. We'll go over more information on both systems, and view a small practical demo on how to use them (with code).
#Codemotion Rome 2018 - In questa terza puntata dedicata al Commodore 64 ci dedichiamo al reverse enginering di AMC e cioe' 'Attack of the mutants camels', il classicone sparatutto del grande Jeff Minter pubblicato nel 1983. Smantelleremo insieme il cammello pezzo per pezzo utilizzando le tecniche proprie della pir@teri@ di un tempo (ma usando strumenti moderni), raccontando storie, aneddoti e chicche del codice, rigorosamente assembly del glorioso 6510.
#Codemotion Rome 2018 - Writing a truly non-blocking, maintainable code shouldn’t be a giant headache. As developers we strive to write features bundled up into a single, readable and testable block of code and today’s technologies greatly help us. From .NET events to Task Parallel Library, we can craft complex features. But, unfortunately, having that many different technologies, we lack the possibility of composing (easily) between them. In this session, you will learn about the core fundamentals which construct the Rx API and how it provides a single, uniform language that abstracts away all sources of events.
#Codemotion Rome 2018 - A discussion about how to get things done and some inside about our coding process and methods. Some little insights about our architecture.
#Codemotion Rome 2018 - Come realizzare mobile app cross-platform massimizzando il riuso del codice? Vi raccontiamo pro e contro della piattaforma Xamarin riportando la nostra esperienza nei progetti di digital transformation, con uno sguardo attento sul futuro del mobile development.