commit conf

Recursos de programación de commit conf
Have a bunch of nicely decoupled (micro-)services (e.g. checkout, payment & shipping) raises questions: How do the services communicate - synchronous, asynchronous or event-driven? How can you implement complex end-to-end use cases (e.g. a customer order)? How can you tackle the challenges around distributed systems? What does all this mean for us as developers? In this talk I discuss the impact of different solutions to your architecture. I will show various recipes around fail fast, retry, back pressure or business transactions using the Saga pattern.
While microservice architectures allowed teams to scale delivery of independently deployable services, most frontend layers are still run as monolithic applications. Similar to server-side applications, frontend layers often grow into large monoliths that are difficult to maintain and evolve. The idea behind microfrontends is to enable multiple teams to work seamlessly together by fostering end-to-end ownership of independently deployable UIs. During this session you'll learn how companies like OpenTable and Skyscanner rely on OpenComponents to deploy microfrontends architectures at scale.
Serverless frameworks are the logical end-game of the microservices movement - deploy single functions where a cloud provider runs them for you "as a service". Find out how you can use serverless functions from Lambda and OpenWhisk to replace fixed infrastructure and allow you to build serverless full-stack applications.
In this talk Gerbert will give an overview of Artificial Intelligence, outline the current state of the art in research and explain what it takes to actually do an AI project. Using practical cases and tools he will give you insight in the phases of an AI project and explain some of the problems you might encounter along the way and how you might be able to solve them.
Our world changes fast and at increasing speed. Things that weren't possible 5 years ago come into reach. Incumbents need to adept to match start-ups that use newer technologies. We are evolving towards smaller, faster, shorter. Smaller teams or even micro-teams, flat organizations, no management, even shorter cycles, smaller components. During this inspiring talk Sander discusses Cynefin, how software development goes wrong, how to go beyond Scrum, why self-organization is hard, why continuous delivery allows you to stop estimating or do projects and why microservices are hard, but essential.
Both startups and multinationals cling to outdated reasons for proprietary business models: “competitors will steal our stuff”, “services aren’t scalable”, “corporate customers won’t take us seriously if our product is free”. However, in the modern world of Uber+AirBNB and DevOps-style BizDev, these assumptions no longer apply. This talk will explain why open-source is the best way for your company to achieve disruptive success in your industry.
Open Source frameworks such as TensorFlow, MXNet, or PyTorch enable anyone to model and train Deep Neural Networks. While there are many great tutorials and talks showing us the best ways for training models, there is few information on what happens after we have trained our model? How can we store, utilize, and update it? In this talk, we look at the complete Deep Learning Pipeline and looks at topics such as deployments, multi-tenancy, jupyter notebooks, model serving, and more.
#Codemotion Rome 2018 - In 1985 an Italian plumber named Mario changed the world. Elegant Mechanics, Level Design, Fine-tuned Controls... A standard was born for what video games should be. Game Design went from Alchemy unknown to many, to pseudo-Science with clear rules. 28 years later, "Gone Home" is released on Steam. The game features no challenge. No levels. No real "gameplay mechanics". No game over. And certainly, no Italian plumbers! A pragmatic look at a new era of Game Design, from the Lead Designer of “Last Day of June”.
#Codemotion Rome 2018 - Everything is reactive. Your application reacts to the click of a button, an incoming message. But also to the result of a database query. Between these events, you want to process other tasks. Being reactive needs a complete approach. Let’s look at the state of reactive programming in Java. Which frameworks are available? Do we have everything to build enterprise grade reactive applications? How to we produce readable and maintainable code? This is the complete overview of reactive programming in Java. We will cover the following libraries: RxJava, Project Reactor, Akka streams.
#Codemotion Rome 2018 - Machine Learning is everywhere and it's changing the world for good! Learn how to set and train a simple AI from scratch with Unity Machine Learning Agents. From zero to an actual demo in just 40 minutes!