
Recursos de programación de docker
SESSION LEVEL: Intermediate SESSION LANGUAGE: English is a reverse proxy and load balancer that supports several backends. In this session I will show how we have integrated it into our development workflow to help us setting up a new project really fast, without worrying about ports colliding between containers, or with our local machine services. Todos los videos de Drupalcamp 2017 Descarga gratis la versión digital del libro de Roberto Canales “Conversaciones con CEOs y CIOs sobre Transformación Digital y Metodologías Ágiles ” Facebook; Twitter; LinkedIn
L'intervento si propone di illustrare l'utilizzo di strumenti di automazione per ambienti basati su Container adatti ad un approccio DevOps, dallo sviluppo alla produzione. Saranno forniti dettagli ed esempi pratici su Container in Cloud per visualizzare, configurare ed orchestrare i propri stack tecnologici su di una infrastruttura Docker erogata come servizio.
The rise of container technologies allows us to fundamentally change the way we develop, test and deploy software. However, the problem and solution space with which software developers are confronted nowadays has become even bigger and we as a profession still need to discover patterns and practices for successfully dealing with this level of complexity. Thanks to tools like Docker, spinning up a full-fledged relational database isn’t more difficult or time consuming than using an in-memory database anymore. So why not run your integration tests on your local machine, inside an environment which resembles production as close as possible? This talk demonstrates how to use Docker in conjunction with Spock by providing live demos and best-practices for joyful integration testing. You will see how to spin-up and tear-down databases (relational and NoSQL), web-servers and even external applications on a test-class and test-method basis. In the end we’ll even have an outlook on functional testing using GEB and docker-compose with Spock. Attendees should have basic knowledge about Spock and Docker.
I've just watched this great talk by Gerardo Rodríguez Primeros pasos en Docker - por Garajeando
The rise of container technologies allows us to fundamentally change the way we develop, test and deploy software. However, the problem and solution space with which software developers are confronted nowadays has become even bigger and we as a profession still need to discover patterns and practices for successfully dealing with this level of complexity. Thanks to tools like Docker, spinning up a full-fledged relational database isn’t more difficult or time consuming than using an in-memory database anymore. So why not run your integration tests on your local machine, inside an environment which resembles production as close as possible? This talk demonstrates how to use Docker in conjunction with Spock by providing live demos and best-practices for joyful integration testing. You will see how to spin-up and tear-down databases (relational and NoSQL), web-servers and even external applications on a test-class and test-method basis. In the end we’ll even have an outlook on functional testing using GEB and docker-compose with Spock. Attendees should have basic knowledge about Spock and Docker.
El próximo día 06 de Abril de 2017 tiene lugar en Barcelona,, de la mano de, el Orchestrate 2017, un evento sobre DevOps, orquestación y temas relacionados. Tendrá lugar en las oficinas de Codeworks y contará tanto de conferencias, ofrecidas por ponentes de renombre, como de talleres. Algunas de las tecnologías que se hablarán serán Docker, Kubernetes y Tensorflow. Nos complace anunciar que ** la organización del Orchestrate ha puesto a disposición de entredevyops una entrada para sortear entre todos nuestros seguidores.**
Hay vida más allá del "python runserver". Siempre que hay charlas de Django uno termina pensando «muy bien, ¿ y ahora qué? ¿Cómo despliego esto?». Esta charla va precisamente de eso, de intentar poner el foco en las mejores maneras de desplegar Django en base al tipo de proyecto, tipo de cliente y tipo de tecnologías disponibles. Para ello revisaremos todo, desde lo más sencillo a lo más complicado. Daremos un breve repaso por las diferentes tecnologías que podemos usar para desplegar: bash, paramiko, fabric, ansible, salt, chef, rpm/deb, docker, PAAS (Platform as a Service), etc., sin dejar a un lado cosas como sistemas operativos, servidores web, wsgi, integración continua, servicios en la nube. Presentación disponible en
Running Django in a single machine is easy. Running Django in a few machines becomes a bit more difficult, so, you look at containers but running Django in Docker can be a bit frustrating. During this talk we will see how to define, build and run a distributed Django application using docker and kubernetes. Presentación disponible en
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