
Recursos de programación de go
Learning more than one programming language is key to becoming a better developer. It is like adding a new tool to your toolbox. The more tools you have, the easier and quicker you’ll be able to tackle whatever job you need to do. You’ll also be able to use the right tool for the job, and who doesn’t like that?! I picked up Go a few years ago as it was becoming more popular among developers. Coming from a PHP background, I had no idea what channels or goroutines were or how is concurrency different from parallelism. I’ve got to say, it was a whole new world. Very different, but very cool. I was hooked! By happy coincidence, my company was looking to rewrite a legacy PHP app in Go. It was over 2000 lines of procedural and messy PHP4 with more downtime than I’m willing to admit to. I took on this project, and soon enough we had a much faster, more maintainable and much more reliable app for our customers. Go gave us options we would not have in PHP. The goal of this talk is to give you a good idea of what Go is and how it compares with PHP. We’ll look at the language itself as well as the tooling and communities around it. Even if you’re not sold on Go by the end of it, I hope you’ll leave inspired to go out there and learn whatever language you wanted to look into next.
In this panel, we will get unique insights into the minds of Engineering Managers, how do they set an example for hundreds of developers, and make choices that shape the whole organization. Many questions will be there: How do you manage and empower your team? How do you evaluate whether you are doing a good job? Do you still code, and how often? Hear engineering managers from SuperAwesome, CircleCI, and Meetup.com sharing their experiences. During our open discussion, you will learn about their experiences and have the chance to ask all your burning questions! About panelists: Thiago de Faria Head of Solutions Engineering - LINKIT Thiago started in Pure Mathematics, jumped to predicting things and realized it was utterly dependent on understanding the inner bits of software development and data pipelines. Thus, his primary concern changed: how to bridge the gap between ML and production? :-) DataOps FTW! He is an active part of the community (devopsdays Amsterdam, ITNEXT & Codemotion), a knowledge-sharer, a proud father and a DataOps Lead. Thiago is pathologically curious and a continuous learner. He knows that high-performing data teams must decrease time-to-market and build production-ready applications, always! Go to speaker's detail Lena Reinhard Director of Engineering - CircleCI Lena is currently Director of Engineering at CircleCI. After a career in finance, arts, and media, Lena found herself working in tech and at age 26 co-founded her first software company and became a CEO. Over the years, Lena has been supporting distributed engineering organisations around the world, helping them deliver great products while continuously learning through inclusive cultures and growth-oriented feedback. She is also a proficient writer, photographer, and forever a learner. Piergiorgio Niero Head of Engineering - SuperAwesome With 15+ years of experience across the web, gaming and IT automation industries, Piergiorgio is pioneering the kidtech space as Head of Engineering at SuperAwesome (the fastest growing UK tech company as ranked by the Financial Times). He leads the engineering team that enables a safer internet for kids, and shares with them his passion for building things that never existed before. Oscar Fanelli Engineering Manager - Meetup Oscar Fanelli is an Engineering Manager at Meetup. People at WeWork use to say "work to make a life, not just a living", and this summarizes his career. Early in his career, he founded a challenging Italian editorial website about videogames, switched from Full-Stack Engineer to Engineering Manager in Tom's Hardware, and landed as Software Architect in eLearnSecurity. Growing successfully his first multi-country startup, Uala, as CTO and co-founder, is one of his greatest accomplishments. Oscar loves to spend time with his family between one slice of pizza and a trip with his car in Europe.
Participating in conferences and learning from experts is great, but as a community, we are missing a lot when it’s the same faces every year, everywhere. We have to do our best to include everyone from a diverse background as speakers and learn from their experiences. This panel discussion features established speakers with diverse backgrounds and will inspire you to start your own public speaking career. We will talk about topics like the impostor syndrome, stage fright, topic selection, and will have an extensive Q&A to answer anything you are wondering about public speaking. Panel participants: Armagan Amcalar Head of Software Engineering - Wayfair Armagan is currently working as a Senior Engineering Manager at Wayfair, responsible for leading the creation of innovative products to enhance the experiences of Wayfair's partners. A software architect well versed in both the backend and frontend systems, he focuses on building resilient clouds. He loves open source and is the author of cote, a library for building microservices with Node.js. He spends most of his free time teaching JavaScript as a university lecturer, a consultant or an NGO worker. He also leads Lonca Works, a software craftsmanship guild. Lara Martín Android & Flutter Developer - laramartin.dev Lara is a Flutter GDE and Android developer based in Berlin. Lara has been involved with the community since she started programming: sharing knowledge online, giving talks worldwide and finally becoming a GDE. Her dream is to make apps more accessible for everyone. When she’s not attending a tech meetup, you will find her playing video games or with her dog Lily. Dave Cheney I am a software engineer and hardware enthusiast from Sydney, Australia. I write, speak, and promote Go around the world. Raffaella Isidori Founder/Creative Director - thesign.it I build brands and design the communication for businesses around the world and assist companies in localizing (Ita/Eng) their brands, products, and messages. Besides that, I design (UX/graphic/visual/digital/print), study, teach, take pictures, write, translate & coach professionals on communication and language. Curious as a cat, and in love with diversities, I collect books, fonts, spices, and essential oils. I live and work in the countryside (mostly Italian), surrounded by flora & fauna, where I cultivate dreams, and push boundaries. Online, I'm Zetaraffix
¿Y si lo escuchas mientras vas al trabajo o te pones en forma?: https://www.ivoox.com/44837244 ------------- Si piensas que tu hija es “nativa digital”, “eres multitasking”, estás conectada 24/7, te “enganchaste” literalmente a Pokémon GO y/o Candy Crush -porque sí, reconócelo, tú también solicitaste vidas a tus contactos de Facebook para seguir jugando en bucle…- y conoces las mejores apps para ligar (o las quieres actualizar)… ¡¡¡Esta es tu conferencia!!! TRA-TRA. Vinculamos cerebro y tecnología para que esta unión no acabe en una traumática enemistad con catastrófica ruptura. Para ello contaremos, entre otras, con la espléndida colaboración de Paulova y sus perros que, en exclusiva, nos descubrirán cómo funciona el procesador más complejo, versátil y eficaz creado hasta la fecha. Lidera tu vida en la era de la hiperconectividad, ¡¡descubre el poder del cerebro 5.0!! ------------- Todos los vídeos de WTMZ 2019 en: https://lk.autentia.com/WTMZ-YouTube ¡Conoce Autentia! Twitter: https://goo.gl/MU5pUQ Instagram: https://lk.autentia.com/instagram LinkedIn: https://goo.gl/2On7Fj/ Facebook: https://goo.gl/o8HrWX
Go es el lenguaje en que están escritos docker, kubernetes, y otros muchísimos proyectos caracterizados por su gran rendimiento y su confiabilidad. Algunos dicen que es la evolución natural de C, ya que es un lenguaje de bajo nivel pero moderno. El lenguaje go es la punta de lanza del retorno a la escena de los lenguajes compilados y con punteros. En esta charla se cubrirán los conceptos básicos de go, y está orientada a gente que sepa programar en otros lenguajes de programación. Se tratará la historia, la estética, la sintaxis, y las primitivas básicas. Se darán pautas para continuar el aprendizaje. Ponente: Rober Morales-Chaparro
It seems to be almost a weekly occurrence that another company makes the news headlines for being hacked and in the process disclosing sensitive user data and company secrets. These security meltdowns can cause catastrophic effects to the company in lost user trust and huge costs putting things right. A nuclear power plant is considered one of the most dangerous things mankind has built, yet they very rarely go wrong. The systems engineering that goes into making nuclear power plants safe is a fascinating topic to study but on the surface it seems entirely irrelevant to PHP developers. In this talk I'm going to show you how this level of safety is achieved, what happens when it goes wrong and then see what lessons we, as PHP developers, can learn from it to help us secure our applications from meltdown.
¿Cansado de confundir tus espaguetis ???? con tu código Go? ¿No sabes ni por dónde coger tu código ????? Queremos ayudarte a ordenar tus aplicaciones Go aplicando Domain Driven Design. ¡Profundizaremos en los diferentes conceptos de Domain Driven Design y veremos cómo aplicarlos a nuestro código Go! Seguro que cuando empezaste con Go, una de las primeras frustraciones que tuviste es, ¿cómo puedo evitar las dependencias cíclicas? Con nuestra charla queremos darte las claves, a través de una estructura de prácticas y terminologías que nos permitirán tomar decisiones de diseño que enfoquen y aceleren el manejo de dominios complejos. En nuestra charla se abordarán los puntos de vista del DDD estratégico (lenguaje ubicuo, bounded contexts, shared kernel, etc.) y del táctico(entidades, agregados, value objects, etc.), pero siempre haciendo que la charla se centre en los conceptos relacionados con la programación, mediante ejemplos prácticos. ------------- Todos los vídeos de Barcelona Software Crafters 2019 en: https://lk.autentia.com/SCBCN19-YT ¡Conoce Autentia! Twitter: https://goo.gl/MU5pUQ Instagram: https://lk.autentia.com/instagram LinkedIn: https://goo.gl/2On7Fj/ Facebook: https://goo.gl/o8HrWX
http , go , curso
¿Cuánto cuesta un carga en el navegador de tu web? ¿Cuánto enviar un email? ¿O publicar un tweet? Nada en esta vida es gratis y las emisiones de CO2 de cada una de nuestras actividades electrónicas se suma a lo que ya generamos durante todo el día en el transporte, luz, calefacción... Así que no está mal darle una pensada y reflexionar un poco sobre el tema. Ya sabes que las pequeñas acciones aquí son las que importan, porque suman entre todos. El desarrollo sostenible es la madre de las...
How hard is it to be a blacksmith in a world of sailors? In a world directed towards Kubernetes and its helmsmen, who needs to go to a (Cloud) Foundry to forge? Is it necessary to know how to juggle pods, services, replicas and ingress to develop a Cloud-native application? Let's explore this new horizon together and see if Cloud Foundry is a valid ally even for sea wolves. About: Davide Fazzone, Cloud Foundry Service Security Team, IBM Currently working in IBM Cloud Foundry Tribe into the Security and Compliance Team. Always interested in security aspects as well as dependability and architectures. Technology enthusiast since I was 4 but I want to keep learning/exploring everyday. Because limits like fear are often just an illusion (cit).
Mediante tecnologías opensource y basándonos en estándares Ethereum, desarrollaremos una criptomoneda con funcionalidades básicas expuestas mediante un API REST. De esta forma, podremos distribuir las criptomonedas entre los empleados y emplear técnicas de gamificación para la realización de cursos, recompensa a compañeros, etc Esta criptomoneda también podrá ser intercambiada posteriormente por objetos físicos La charla mostrará el proceso de creación y gestión de esta criptomoneda así como sus posibilidades a través de técnicas de gamificación About: Angel Miguel Martinez Pulido, Blockchain Architect - atSistemas Definición de arquitecturas técnicas en proyectos blockchain. Participación en propuestas y preventas en proyectos de ámbito blockchain. Generación de contenidos técnicos sobre blockchain. Arquitectura de Soluciones con Blockchain Ethereum / Quorum / Alastria / Smart Contracts usando Java, Go, NodeJS y AWS en diversos proyectos nacionales e internacionales Experiencia en tecnologías de la información en los campos de banca, seguros y sanidad