
Recursos de programación de go
Mini sessions with the following talks: Databases: Scaling, Sharding and Querying by Jinal Parikh Your Own Kubernetes Operator: Not Only in Go by Nicolas Fränkel Putting The Engineer in AI by Aarushi Kansal
Microservices can be hard; understanding container best practices can be hard as those practices are still being discovered. This session helps you minimize the learning curve with container orchestration, specifically Kubernetes, by bringing DevOps best practices into the mix. This is not another Hello World session with quick tips. Instead, you can expect a deep dive into how you can truly go from zero to DevOps superhero by simply selecting container tooling specifically built for simplifying the process. In doing so, you will also learn how these tools can provide better orchestration for cloud services, abstraction and encapsulation for your microservices deployments and visibility into what runs where and why. You will not only walk away with a deeper understanding of this area, but also some hands-on material to help you get started. ------------- Todos los vídeos de DevOpsDays 2020 en: https://lk.autentia.com/DevopsDays20-YT ¡Conoce Autentia! Twitter: https://goo.gl/MU5pUQ Instagram: https://lk.autentia.com/instagram LinkedIn: https://goo.gl/2On7Fj/ Facebook: https://goo.gl/o8HrWX
In the latest years, there has been some push-back against frameworks, and more specifically annotations: some call them magic. Obviously, they make understanding the flow of the application harder. Spring and Spring Boot latest versions go along this trend, by offering an additional way to configure beans with explicit code instead of annotations. It’s declarative in the sense it looks like configuration, though it’s based on Domain-Specific Language(s). This talk aims to demo a step-by-step process to achieve that. ¿Quieres saber más? https://www.paradigmadigital.com/ ¿Quieres saber cuáles son los próximos eventos que organizamos?: https://www.paradigmadigital.com/eventos/ Ver más eventos nuestros: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2yjEVbRSX7XaQgyjsApXIqydTrC7v_Of
¿Y si lo escuchas mientras vas al trabajo o te pones en forma?: https://www.ivoox.com/48415350 ------------- In this talk we talk about how the Serverless paradigms are changing the way we develop applications and the cloud infrastructures and how we can do serverless in an more efficient way also with Kubernetes. We go through the latest Kubernetes Serverless technologies, talking about all the aspects including pricing, scalability, observability and best practices. ------------- Todos los vídeos de DevOpsDays 2020 en: https://lk.autentia.com/DevopsDays20-YT ¡Conoce Autentia! Twitter: https://goo.gl/MU5pUQ Instagram: https://lk.autentia.com/instagram LinkedIn: https://goo.gl/2On7Fj/ Facebook: https://goo.gl/o8HrWX
¿Y si lo escuchas mientras vas al trabajo o te pones en forma?: https://www.ivoox.com/47388808 ------------- Traditionally, the definition of done for software has been focused on whether or not the software works as it was designed. Can you submit a form? Complete a task? Buy a product? Then the software works. This was relevant in a world of static software. Today, software is continuous. We ship it daily. In this reality, where shipping software is a non-event, the question of “does it work?” is no longer relevant. What really starts to matter is what our users are doing with that software. And perhaps even more importantly, we should question if that’s what we want to happen. Someone sharing a picture of their new baby is one thing. Someone instigating a mob of twitter trolls to harass a target is completely different. The systems we create generate outcomes -- changes in user behavior. The modern, continuous nature of software allows us to build learning loops into every aspect of our work and, in turn, determine if what we’re doing is generating the outcomes we expect. In this talk, Jeff will cover how technology can enable tremendous gains but, when coupled with the uncertainty of human behavior, can often go awry. How can we ensure we’re working on products that actually make our users more successful? And how do we inspire a new generation of designers and developers to consider a new definition of “done” -- one focused on positively impacting customer behaviors. ------------- Todos los vídeos de la CAS 2019 en: https://lk.autentia.com/CAS-YouTube ¡Conoce Autentia! Twitter: https://goo.gl/MU5pUQ Instagram: https://lk.autentia.com/instagram LinkedIn: https://goo.gl/2On7Fj/ Facebook: https://goo.gl/o8HrWX
Traditionally, the definition of done for software has been focused on whether or not the software works as it was designed. Can you submit a form? Complete a task? Buy a product? Then the software works. This was relevant in a world of static software. Today, software is continuous. We ship it daily. In this reality, where shipping software is a non-event, the question of “does it work?” is no longer relevant. What really starts to matter is what our users are doing with that software. And perhaps even more importantly, we should question if that’s what we want to happen. Someone sharing a picture of their new baby is one thing. Someone instigating a mob of twitter trolls to harass a target is completely different. The systems we create generate outcomes -- changes in user behavior. The modern, continuous nature of software allows us to build learning loops into every aspect of our work and, in turn, determine if what we’re doing is generating the outcomes we expect. In this talk, Jeff will cover how technology can enable tremendous gains but, when coupled with the uncertainty of human behavior, can often go awry. How can we ensure we’re working on products that actually make our users more successful? And how do we inspire a new generation of designers and developers to consider a new definition of “done” -- one focused on positively impacting customer behaviors.
El mundo del software ha sido largamente incomprendido y maltratado. Proyectos eternos, mal ejecutados, con resultados muy dispares y, demasiadas veces, con productos entregados de muy baja calidad. Lo importante era llegar en la fecha marcada por personas lejos de las trincheras. Indirecciones en las contrataciones, separación entre thinkers y doers, foco únicamente en “picar” y poco en revisar “cómo picamos”. Con este panorama, era prácticamente imposible pensar en una gran revolución digital. En 2001 aparece el Agile Manifesto, un documento que recoge el espíritu de nuevas prácticas de desarrollo de software muy exitosas que buscan ordenar lo que está desordenado. Entre ellas destacan Extreme Programming y Scrum. Año 2019, España. Los últimos 4 años han supuesto la explosión de Agile en el sector tecnológico español. Las empresas se han dado cuenta que necesitan introducir cambios profundos en la manera en que funcionan. Las empresas ya no son bancos, escuelas o retailers, sino empresas tecnológicas que operan en diferentes mercados. Para ser competitivas han buscado nuevos modelos organizacionales (equipos multidisciplinares, descentralización de la toma de decisiones, conexión continua con los clientes…), pero parece que aún no han comprendido que son EMPRESAS TECNOLÓGICAS. Esto se refleja en un exceso de atención al uso de Scrum y marcos de escalado y una escasa atención a la excelencia técnica y prácticas de desarrollo ágil de software, como XP o DevOps. Incluso en las principales citas entre profesionales del mundo Agile en España se presta una atención apenas residual al desarrollo de productos tecnológicos. ¿Qué nos está pasando? ¿Qué huecos estamos dejando sin cubrir? ¿Por qué? ¿Qué podemos hacer cada uno de nosotros para revertir esta situación? Hay una buena noticia: no estamos más que empezando. Estamos a tiempo de entender el poder que todos y cada uno de nosotros ostentamos para diseñar un futuro mejor, más ilusionante, en el que la tecnología bien hecha sea la protagonista. Un futuro en el que nuestras vidas tengan mucha más calidad gracias a la tecnología. Con esta charla queremos compartir nuestra visión desde los ámbitos de la consultoría y el desarrollo de productos software, dibujar un futuro ilusionante y empoderar a todos para que pasemos de ser espectadores a actores claves en el futuro del desarrollo de software en nuestro país.
Jonathan Vila (@vilojona) Have you heard about Quarkus (www.quarkus.io)? For sure you have, a new super fast, super light framework to develop cloud native and GraalVM compatible apps. How hard is to go the Quarkus way? Specially coming from an existing Spring app. In this session we will show an experience migrating an existing Spring app to Quarkus using the Spring PetClinic REST app including different technologies as Hibernate, Spring-MVC, etc. SPEAKER: This talk will be conducted by Jonathan Vila ( https://github.com/jonathanvila ), software engineer at Red Hat and Leader at BarcelonaJUG. He has more than 25 years working as developer and several languages and is starting a Quarkus-isation of his new developments.
1. ¿Qué maneras tenemos de capear la "inconsistencia eventual"? 2. Véndeme DDD ¿Por qué y para quién? ------------- Todos los vídeos de Commitconf 2019 en: https://lk.autentia.com/Commit19-YouTube ¡Conoce Autentia! Twitter: https://goo.gl/MU5pUQ Instagram: https://lk.autentia.com/instagram LinkedIn: https://goo.gl/2On7Fj/ Facebook: https://goo.gl/o8HrWX
Transclusions and folksonomies in a content-addressed and block-chained world. Web 3.0 decentralised apps and services are igniting the third revolution of the web. Will we be able to avoid the mistakes of the previous Web revolutions and finally make the internet what visionaries like Vannevar Bush and Theodor Nelson envisioned in the late thirties and sixties of past century? In this talk, we will go through the benefits of content-addressed URLs and talk about what missing to build the web as a permanent and censorship-resistant net of knowledge with the help of transclusions and folksonomies.