
Recursos de programación de rest
Disclaimer: I am experimenting with different formats to create presentations, blog post, and other documents, mixing sketch noting and using index cards... I will appreciate your feedback.The past 23,24th of June I was at the Agile Open Space at Segovia (AOS)... This is my sixth consecutive year going to the AOS (you can see almost all of my past experiences at ). I like this unconference because is a great excuse to see friend...
Disclaimer: I am experimenting with different formats to create presentations, blog post, and other documents, mixing sketch noting and using index cards... I will appreciate your feedback.The past 23,24th of June I was at the Agile Open Space at Segovia (AOS)... This is my sixth consecutive year going to the AOS (you can see almost all of my past experiences at ). I like this unconference because is a great excuse to see friend...
@durbon - José María Rodríguez Autoscaling & GraphQL Mad Scalability meetup 21 junio Madrid Las APIs más populares que utilizamos a día de hoy son RESTful APIs o un pseudo estándar ad hoc HTTP. Pero la necesidad de avanzar rápido en productos cada vez más complejos más allá de un simple CRUD ha empujado un cambio en la forma en que interactuamos con las APIs. Aquí es dónde surge GraphQL, un fuerte candidato predestinado a sustituir a REST en muchas aplicaciones, sobre todo en el ecosistema móvil de apps. ¿Qué hay de malo en REST? Nada en su concepción inicial y en el contexto dónde surgió, pero desde que fuera definido la forma de interactuar con las APIs ha cambiado. Vamos a repasar las razones por las que deberíamos repensar las tradicionales APIs basadas en RESTful en favor de GraphQL. Conoce más de Autentia en
I'm working for Green Power Monitor which is a company based in Barcelona specialized in monitoring renewable energy power plants and with clients all over the world. We're developing a new application to monitor and manage renewable energy portfolios. I'm part of the front-end team. We're working on a challenging SPA that includes a large quantity of data visualization and which should present that data in an UI that is polished and easy to look at. We are using ClojureScript with Om (a Clojure...
¿Quieres saber más? 00:03 Introducción 00:24 Índice 00:55 1. Plantillas (template Engine) 05:32 2. Principales librerías 05:32 2.1 Express 05:32 2.2 Hapi 05:32 2.3 Koa 07:51 2.4 Restify 12:04 3. Creando nuestro primer api REST 21:35 4. Streams 27:02 5: Buenas prácticas 27:50 5.1 Callback Hell 31:42 5.2 Promises 32:52 5.3 Funciones Generadoras 34:53 6. Conclusiones ¿Quieres saber cuáles son los próximos eventos que organizamos?: Ver más eventos nuestros:
En el video pasado, vimos cómo distribuir eventos de forma usando una REST API. En este video, veremos cómo distribuir eventos usando un sistema de colas como RabbitMQ, qué detalles hay que tener en cuenta y algunos trucos para facilitarnos el trabajo.
En este video, vamos a ver cómo distribuir Eventos de Dominio a través de REST. Explicaremos algunos trucos y los beneficios que aporta este método sencillo de distribución.
SESSION LEVEL: Intermediate SESSION LANGUAGE: English Gizra has been doing Headless Drupal for a long time and the technology stack has evolved a lot since the very beginning. In this session, we will have a look at our current tools, how do we use them and their benefits: reliability, development speed, maintainability... During the session we will see the process of building a chatroom: we will start with the backend, where we still use Drupal 7, with the Restful module and the ecosystem around it. We will move into the frontend, where we currently use Elm. Real time applications are super cool, so we will see our current tool for them: Pusher and how we integrate it with Drupal and Elm. And we will finish having a look at the bright future of Drupal 8: Rest, GraphQL, JSON API. Todos los videos de Drupalcamp 2017 Descarga gratis la versión digital del libro de Roberto Canales “Conversaciones con CEOs y CIOs sobre Transformación Digital y Metodologías Ágiles ” Facebook; Twitter; LinkedIn
SESSION LEVEL: Basic SESSION LANGUAGE: English Optimizing images can drastically decrease the page load time because, on average, 60% of a website’s page weight is made up of them. Responsive Web Design has changed how the web is built and that includes images too, because the aim is to deliver the highest quality image supported and nothing more. So today we have new standard elements and attributes to work with images widely supported by browsers (and polyfills for the rest) and Drupal has incorporated them. In Drupal 8 the Responsive Image module is in core and is prepared to solve a wide range of needs. And, as usually happens in Drupal, there are several contributed modules that help us to improve the basic needs or to solve the special ones, like Art Direction. I’ll start this session with a quick introduction about the different existing solutions for responsive images to be sure we are all at the same page. I’ll explain the difference between viewport sizing and Art Direction and how we are supposed to work with Drupal for each one, including demos. I’ll share tips and contrib modules that can make the developer and the final user live easier. I’ll also explain how lazy loading works and what solutions do we have in Drupal. When you leave this session you’ll have an idea about the options offered for Drupal and enough knowledge to choose the correct one for your project. Todos los videos de Drupalcamp 2017 Descarga gratis la versión digital del libro de Roberto Canales “Conversaciones con CEOs y CIOs sobre Transformación Digital y Metodologías Ágiles ” Facebook; Twitter; LinkedIn
¿Qué podemos hacer con una especificación de consulta de APIs REST y una herramienta que expone una? Descubriremos cómo utilizar GraphQL (creado por Facebook) para realizar consultas de datos sobre la API REST de WordPress de un modo que tal vez no hubiéramos imaginado anteriormente.