Vídeos de programación

Vídeos sobre programación y desarrollo de software.
Both startups and multinationals cling to outdated reasons for proprietary business models: “competitors will steal our stuff”, “services aren’t scalable”, “corporate customers won’t take us seriously if our product is free”. However, in the modern world of Uber+AirBNB and DevOps-style BizDev, these assumptions no longer apply. This talk will explain why open-source is the best way for your company to achieve disruptive success in your industry.
Open Source frameworks such as TensorFlow, MXNet, or PyTorch enable anyone to model and train Deep Neural Networks. While there are many great tutorials and talks showing us the best ways for training models, there is few information on what happens after we have trained our model? How can we store, utilize, and update it? In this talk, we look at the complete Deep Learning Pipeline and looks at topics such as deployments, multi-tenancy, jupyter notebooks, model serving, and more.
La protagonista de este episodio es Vanesa Tejada, apasionada de la gestión de proyectos, liderazgo de personas, gestión visual de la información y productividad personal. Trabaja como Program Manager en lastminute.es Desde hace varios años trabaja como responsable de proyectos IT. Estar rodeada de personas, proyectos, nuevos retos, la lleva a tener ganas de mejorar su día a día, y es así como empezó a profundizar en el mundo de la productividad personal, con la finalidad de sacar el mejor partido a su tiempo. Además intenta fomentar estos conocimientos y prácticas a las personas que la rodean para que como ella, cada día se sientan orgullosos del valor que han aportado a su trabajo. ------------------------ **Autentia solo proporciona un medio de expresión. Autentia no se hace responsable de las opiniones reflejadas por los entrevistados. Todos los videos de Ni Monos Ni Lagartos https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKxa4AIfm4pUMqBpORJUN3AsHPyA02N9k Descarga gratis la versión digital del libro de Roberto Canales “Conversaciones con CEOs y CIOs sobre Transformación Digital y Metodologías Ágiles ” https://goo.gl/i2zZtJ Suscríbete a nuestra newsletter; https://goo.gl/5jc6uP Facebook; https://goo.gl/o8HrWX Twitter; https://goo.gl/MU5pUQ LinkedIn https://goo.gl/2On7Fj/
Want to know what is possible in the field of high performance consensus algorithms for distributed systems? If the answer is yes then come to this talk.
ArangoDB is a scalable, distributed multi-model database. However, for this talk, it is not necessary to know what this means. Rather the only crucial fact is that it is distributed and written in C++. Before you stop reading: This talk is about a golang success story. Namely, we had to implement resilient data center to data center (DC2DC) replication for ArangoDB clusters from scratch within 6 weeks (plus some time for testing and debugging). Therefore, we built upon – ArangoDB’s HTTP-based API for asynchronous replication, – the existing golang driver, – the fault tolerant scalable message queue system Kafka, – a lot of existing golang libraries and – golang’s fantastic capabilities for parallelism, communication and data manipulation and pulled this task off. This talk is the story of this project with its many challenges and successes and ends with a surprising revelation about which of the above we did not actually need in the end.
Interview with Fabio Tiriticco at J On The Beach 2018, Málaga, Spain.
During this talk we will cover features from both Akka and Kubernetes, plus example code in Scala: familiarity with these technologies is recommended. Our example will rely on Google Cloud infrastructure.