Vídeos de programación

Vídeos sobre programación y desarrollo de software.
#Codemotion Rome 2018 - Le Progressive Web App sono un insieme di tecnologie che permettono di implementare comportamenti prima possibili solo nelle applicazioni mobile native. Il cuore delle PWA sono i Service Worker, la feature della piattaforma web più interessante e rivoluzionaria dall'uscita delle chiamate AJAX. Durante questo talk scopriremo i segreti dei Service Worker, quello che possono fare e come utilizzarli ora in produzione.
#Codemotion Rome 2018 - The functional paradigm has been influencing mainstream languages for decades, making developers more efficient whilst helping reduce maintenance costs. As we are faced with a programming model that needs to scale on multi-core architectures and distributed environemnts, concurrency becomes critical. In these concurrency models, immutability, a key feature of functional programming paradigm will become even more evident. To quote Simon Peyton Jones, future concurrent languages will be functional; they might not be called functional, but the features will be. In this talk, we explain why!
#Codemotion Rome 2018 - Today we all use Webpack (right?), but I remember a time when you had to manually copy-paste JavaScript files to create a package of libraries you could use in your frontend application. Many years have passed since then and the landscape of module bundlers evolved significantly along with the evolution of JavaScript and Node.js. In this talk, I will try to uncover some JavaScript module history and illustrate how a module bundler actually works, so that the next time you will use Webpack you will be able to understand what's going on behind the scenes.
#Codemotion Rome 2018 - As the race for quantum computing systems rapidly evolves, the threat to modern cryptography becomes more pressing. There must be new strategies and clear options to ensure data protection for the near and long term. The presentation will discuss current developments and projects in this area, which is set against the background of ever more persistent government surveillance.
How do you automate your infrastructure and processes? A bunch of bash scripts, manually deployed on a number of servers, triggered by a cronjob? A new microservice for every task? Serverless computing maybe? There might be an easier solution, so why not simply leverage your existing CI infrastructure for implementing versioned and monitorable task automation? This talk demonstrates how to utilize Gitlab-CI pipelines and Groovy scripts in order to automate all the things.
En este streaming hablaremos sobre Behavior Driven Development (BDD) con Dani Latorre. Qué nos aporta Gherkin como lenguaje de especificación de tests, y cómo sacarle el máximo provecho a nuestros escenarios. Más info ???????????? ???? ????️Ponente: https://twitter.com/dani_latorre ????‍♂️ Curso: http://bit.ly/bdd-curso ????Descuento 1 mes por 25€: http://bit.ly/bdd-descuento ????Descuento 4 meses por 99€: http://bit.ly/bdd4meses ????Cursos disponibles: https://pro.codely.tv ????‍????‍????‍???? Planes para empresas: https://codely.tv/pro/teams
El pasado sábado 14 de abril estuvimos en el evento Engineering Medicine organizado por CEEIBIS. Durante más de 12 horas diferentes equipos multidisciplinares afrontaron retos sobre la medicina e ingeniería. Desde T3chFest llevamos tres años patrocinando este evento y seguiremos colaborando con eventos similares. Síguenos en Twitter: https://twitter.com/t3chfest https://t3chfest.uc3m.es/ ––– Grabación y edición: Mario Montes Música: BACK IN SUMMER by Nicolai Heidlas Music https://soundcloud.com/nicolai-heidlas Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/b... Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/sGsC98vR4Q4
#Codemotion Rome 2018 - The major contribution of the Blockchain technology, is providing a solution to the problem of consensus in distributed systems. But not every distributed consensus platform is a blockchain! I will introduce the problem of consensus, its various forms, the concept of proof of work and alternative mechanisms like proof of stake. There will be also a live game where participants will play the miners and have fun validating transactions!
#Codemotion Rome 2018 - BigQuery is Google's fully managed, petabyte scale data warehouse. It's User Defined Function realizes "smart" queries with the power of machine learning, such as similarity search or recommendation on images or documents with feature vectors and neural network prediction. In this session we will see BigQuery and TensorFlow enables a powerful "data warehouse + ML" solution - analyzing text and pictures.