Vídeos de programación

Vídeos sobre programación y desarrollo de software.
En este streaming hablaremos sobre Behavior Driven Development (BDD) con Dani Latorre. Qué nos aporta Gherkin como lenguaje de especificación de tests, y cómo sacarle el máximo provecho a nuestros escenarios. Más info ???????????? ???? ????️Ponente: https://twitter.com/dani_latorre ????‍♂️ Curso: http://bit.ly/bdd-curso ????Descuento 1 mes por 25€: http://bit.ly/bdd-descuento ????Descuento 4 meses por 99€: http://bit.ly/bdd4meses ????Cursos disponibles: https://pro.codely.tv ????‍????‍????‍???? Planes para empresas: https://codely.tv/pro/teams
El pasado sábado 14 de abril estuvimos en el evento Engineering Medicine organizado por CEEIBIS. Durante más de 12 horas diferentes equipos multidisciplinares afrontaron retos sobre la medicina e ingeniería. Desde T3chFest llevamos tres años patrocinando este evento y seguiremos colaborando con eventos similares. Síguenos en Twitter: https://twitter.com/t3chfest https://t3chfest.uc3m.es/ ––– Grabación y edición: Mario Montes Música: BACK IN SUMMER by Nicolai Heidlas Music https://soundcloud.com/nicolai-heidlas Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/b... Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/sGsC98vR4Q4
#Codemotion Rome 2018 - The major contribution of the Blockchain technology, is providing a solution to the problem of consensus in distributed systems. But not every distributed consensus platform is a blockchain! I will introduce the problem of consensus, its various forms, the concept of proof of work and alternative mechanisms like proof of stake. There will be also a live game where participants will play the miners and have fun validating transactions!
#Codemotion Rome 2018 - BigQuery is Google's fully managed, petabyte scale data warehouse. It's User Defined Function realizes "smart" queries with the power of machine learning, such as similarity search or recommendation on images or documents with feature vectors and neural network prediction. In this session we will see BigQuery and TensorFlow enables a powerful "data warehouse + ML" solution - analyzing text and pictures.
#Codemotion Rome 2018 - “organizations which design systems ... are constrained to produce designs which are copies of the communication structures of these organizations” — Melvin Conway, 1967 Microservices is an architectural shift, a huge topic that demands change in every aspect of software delivery. It is also more than a technical problem — your microservices architecture can be as solid and efficient as your team communication. This talk tries to describe the human aspect of implementing a microservices approach, and how this affects team communication.
#Codemotion Rome 2018 - Over the past 10 years, Richard has used many different programming languages on the job - from the mainstream to the exotic. This talk covers the surprising lessons he's learned about using nicer programming languages at work. How big can the productivity difference be? What strategies can get management on board with taking a chance on a non-mainstream language? What's the impact on the team's ability to hire and retain great programmers? What does it mean for team morale? For ramping up new hires? For legacy code? Come see what a nicer programming language could mean for your team!
#Codemotion Rome 2018 - Making decisions by yourself is hard, let alone with a team. As developers, making good technical decisions in teams is key to our jobs yet we don't explicitly learn how to do that. As someone who has found technical argumentation difficult, I have been thinking about this topic for years: argumentation in teams should not be about winning and losing. I will introduce a framework teams can use to evaluate options and find consensus when making big technical decisions, with an example.
#Codemotion Rome 2018 - Using Google Cloud AutoML to automatically train models on your custom data? Yes, and we can go deeper, exploring how to add image classification, speech recognition, video labelling and other machine-learning powered tasks to your code, without a PhD on the matter, thanks to Google solutions.
Migrating to Microservices can easily become a mess, not only because of technical factors but mostly because of human factors: it's a major change in the software culture of a company. In this talk, I'll share my experience as technical lead of an ambitious Microservices-based product, go through the parts we struggled with, and give you some advice on how to deal with some obstacles that you may find: * The Common Patterns Phobia * The Book Club Cult * The Never-Decoupled Story * The Buzz Words Syndrome * The Agile Trap * The Conway's Law Hackers.