Vídeos de programación

Vídeos sobre programación y desarrollo de software.
Vídeo realizado por Sngular con el que nos presentamos junto a Roadis a los Premios Inspirational.
Introducción a Vue 2 En este curso aprenderemos a usar VUE 2 con el que descubriremos todo el potencial de un framework de JS que cabe en tan sólo 19kb. Accede aquí: https://geekshubsacademy.com/cursos/vue2
The full title of this presentation is What's Next? (A Friendly Guide To Choosing Your Next Programming Language). This talk was part of Lambda World 2017 and was given by Andrea Magnorsky. Follow: -https://www.twitter.com/47deg -https://www.twitter.com/lambda_world -https://twitter.com/silverspoon Visit: -https://www.47deg.com/events for more details. ___ It's an interesting time in a programmer's life when they decide to switch languages. Let's tour the existing programming paradigms and how they help in problem-solving as well as how science generally evolves to try to find an answer to that question.
On October 26th we started our series of Meetups with Christian and Diego hosting the event. Subscribe to our newsletter to be updated with future events and the upcoming one in November ;)
MVP & FRP for controllerless architecture. 26th of October we hosted our first software architecture meet up with Christian Ciceri.
On October 26th we started our series of Meetups with Christian and Diego hosting the event. Subscribe to our newsletter to be updated with future events and the upcoming one in November ;)