Vídeos de programación

Vídeos sobre programación y desarrollo de software.
@djimenezs "Vamos a hablar de algo diferente en la CAS, vamos a hablar de nutrición… Cuando alguien se decide a hacer una dieta para mejorar su salud, lo que ocurre es muy parecido a cuando empresa dedice "hacer agile" para mejorar su "salud". Acude a nutricionistas más o menos reconocidos, copian dietas de otras personas que han hecho lo mismo y les ha ido "genial"….., sin embargo a menudo pierden de vista lo que realmente necesitan que no es otra cosa que mejorar su alimentación, ser conscientes de sus limitaciones actuales, diferencias con los demás en cuanto a su estilo de vida, prioridades, etc… Esta charla está inspirada en un artículo sobre nutrición cuyo título decía "No comas mejor, deja de comer peor", me gustaría charlar con vosotros sobre que es más importante, "hacer Agile" o dejar de hacer ciertas prácticas muy arraigadas en nuestra cultura…. El camino aunque con un mismo fin no tiene el mismo recorrido..." ¿Y si lo escuchas mientras vas al trabajo o te pones en forma? http://www.ivoox.com/22176221 Todos los videos de CAS 2017 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKxa4AIfm4pVAo-yEM3IpgFnNYAaSJHEg Descarga gratis la versión digital del libro de Roberto Canales “Conversaciones con CEOs y CIOs sobre Transformación Digital y Metodologías Ágiles ” https://goo.gl/i2zZtJ Suscríbete a nuestra newsletter; https://goo.gl/5jc6uP Facebook; https://goo.gl/o8HrWX Twitter; https://goo.gl/MU5pUQ LinkedIn https://goo.gl/2On7Fj/
Nuestro compañero Alfred, creado por la DKC Cognitive Computing (José Luis Calvo, Javier Peña y Jorge Prudencio), tiene cuerpo. ¿Quieres saber todas las cosas que puede hacer?
Una transformación Agile tiene impacto en multitud de ámbitos: organización, procesos, cultura, ingeniería, gestión de producto, portfolio, … ¿Cómo aclararse en la multitud de actividades variopintas a realizar? ¿Cómo saber qué priorizar? ¿Cómo avanzar y no quedarse atascado? ¿Cómo clasificar nuevas ideas y experimentos? ¿Cómo conseguir que la transformación sea “de todos”, compartida, inclusiva y colaborativa? ¿Cómo saber si lo que estás haciendo tiene resultados? En esta sesión verás diversos “tips” basados en experiencias reales que pueden ayudarte a plantear mejor tu transformación, articular la gestión y a comunicar su estado de manera sencilla. Xavier Albaladejo es especialista en transformación organizativa basada en principios Agile-Lean. Su trabajo busca conseguir empresas más sencillas y escalables, estructuradas en torno a sus clientes, flexibles y rápidas para adaptarse a sus necesidades, así como motivantes para sus trabajadores. ¿Y si lo escuchas mientras vas al trabajo o te pones en forma? https://www.ivoox.com/22168536 Todos los videos de CAS 2017 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKxa4AIfm4pVAo-yEM3IpgFnNYAaSJHEg Descarga gratis la versión digital del libro de Roberto Canales “Conversaciones con CEOs y CIOs sobre Transformación Digital y Metodologías Ágiles ” https://goo.gl/i2zZtJ Suscríbete a nuestra newsletter; https://goo.gl/5jc6uP Facebook; https://goo.gl/o8HrWX Twitter; https://goo.gl/MU5pUQ LinkedIn https://goo.gl/2On7Fj/
'O Deep Thought computer,' he said, 'the task we have designed you to perform is this. We want you to tell us....' he paused, 'The Answer.' 'The Answer?' said Deep Thought. 'The Answer to what?' 'Life!' urged Fook. 'The Universe!' said Lunkwill. 'Everything!' they said in chorus. Deep Thought paused for a moment's reflection. 'Tricky,' he said finally. 'But can you do it?' Again, a significant pause. 'Yes,' said Deep Thought, 'I can do it.' 'There is an answer?' said Fook with breathless excitement. 'Yes,' said Deep Thought. 'Life, the Universe, and Everything. There is an answer. But, I'll have to think about it.' ― Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy License: CC BY-NC-ND https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.0/ #JavaScript
This presentation was given at Lambda World 2017 by Hanneli Tavante. Follow: -https://www.twitter.com/47deg -https://www.twitter.com/lambda_world -https://twitter.com/hannelita Visit: -https://www.47deg.com/events for more details ___ Too many flavours of Functional Programming? Don't worry - like a French bouchon; we will try a taste of some famous languages, and see what they look like. You can pick up your favourite one for the next visit! Using a simple project idea (building an API), we will go through the following menu: - Python A good appetiser - Scala Not pure, but a delicious starter - Haskell Main dish -The desserts Ocaml, Elm, Elixir and others (we are allowed to skip the diet restrictions for dessert!)
In this talk we'll explore what role Service Workers play in the landscape of Progressive Web Apps, and how they can be used within Angular applications, by taking a look at how they have been used in the latest angular.io website update. Slides: http://pascalprecht.github.io/slides/angular-and-service-workers/ #/ Speaker: Pascal is a front-end engineer with a love for semantic markup and evolving technologies in the open web. He loves contributing to open source and is the creator of the popular angular-translate module. He also likes traveling the world and speaks at conferences and meetups. When he's not busy preparing the next workshops for thoughtram, you might find him outside with his skateboard. License: CC BY-NC-ND https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.0/ #JavaScript
So.. we really wanna use the new shiny angular, we want to build a Single-Page-Application so we can animate page-transitions, but we still want the CMS to control routes and templates (we have many and they change all the time). We also want the CMS-editor to be in control of the pages content and render unknown rows of dynamic content. How can we remain this level of flexibility while compiling our templates Ahead-Of-Time (AOT). In this walk we will follow the thought- and working process, trial and errors and end up with a working solution. It will be lots of options with pros/cons, some live-coding, tradeoffs and will end up with a GitHub repository for everyone to go home and clone. Slides: https://www.slideshare.net/FilipBruunBechLarsen/building-a-dynamic-spa-website-with-angular Speaker: Filip is a frontend developer from Denmark, focusing on delivering great user-experiences to the end-user – often using Angular. He is the Frontend Manager at IMPACT, delivering large-scale commerce-products to well-known business and consumer brands. Filip is passionate about the web, and cares not only about clean and efficient code, but also about accessibility and performance, in order for the web to be available and accessible for everybody - without sacrificing great design and UX. In his local city of Aarhus, Denmark, Filip initiated an angular user group that has grown to become the biggest in the country. Filip is an active community member, and an experienced public speaker, loving to share knowledge and to mentor fellow developers and entrepreneurs. Filip lives in Aarhus, with his wife and two boys, and fluently speaks English and Danish. #JavaScript
We will dive into WebVR using Mozilla's A-Frame library. Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1KgNkDCW5qQgbrAXyMc__2WqueNQorPwrAjnHHFJ9epY/edit Speaker: Martin is open source contributor and web evangelist by heart from Zurich with a decade experience from the trenches of software engineering in multiple fields. #JavaScript
Próximamente publicaremos nuevos cursos sobre VueJS, stack MEAN JavaScript, API HTTP con Scala, Screenshot testing en iOS y Android. En este vídeo te contamos un poco más sobre ellos y desvelamos la oferta de CodelyTV para el Black Friday!!! Subscríbete al canal para seguir todas las novedades en: https://www.youtube.com/c/CodelyTV?sub_confirmation=1 Oferta Black Friday: http://bit.ly/black-codelytv
Everything you didn’t want to know about monad transformer state was a presentation given as part of Lambda World 2017 by Michael Snoyman. Follow: -https://www.twitter.com/47deg -https://www.twitter.com/lambda_world -http://twitter.com/snoyberg Visit: -https://www.47deg.com/events for more details ___ Monad transformers are often used in Haskell applications to model state, capture results, and deal with explicit exceptions. In order to make these monad transformer stacks work with concurrency primitives, runtime exceptions, and more, we'll often use libraries like lifted-base, lifted-async, monad-control, and exceptions. But contrary to the expectations of many, surprising things can happen with the implicit state of our transformers. This talk will explain the problem, demonstrate where surprising behavior pops up, and recommend ways to structure your libraries and applications to sidestep the issue entirely.