Vídeos de programación

Vídeos sobre programación y desarrollo de software.
Qual'è la prima cosa che ti viene in mente se ti chiedessi di associare "container" e "architetture" ? Esatto ! Container e microservizi sono di fatto gli argomenti più chiacchierati degli ultimi anni e che spesso vanno a braccetto. Ma quand'è che i due mondi iniziano ad incontrarsi, se non nel tuo computer? Ti porterò la mia esperienza sul uso dei container per lo sviluppo di un applicativo con architettura a microservizi, partendo dalle scelte fatte fin dai primi momenti dello sviluppo fino ad arrivare alla sua messa in produzione.
Titolo: Il futuro degli sviluppatori e della tecnologia, il punto di vista delle tech community - Codemotion Milan 2017 Un incontro aperto fra più tech community leader per scoprire i diversi punti di vista su alcuni dei grandi temi aperti del mondo IT come ad esempio: il ruolo sempre più strategico degli sviluppatori software per l’innovazione, quali saranno le tecnologie predominanti nei prossimi anni, l’importanza di avere una buona cultura tecnica all’interno delle aziende e molto altro!
Reactive programming è un paradigma di programmazione basato sulla processazione asincrona di eventi. La sua cresente importanza è confermata dall'introduzione in Java 9 delle Flow API che definiscono un contratto che tutte le librerie di reacrive programming dovranno implementare. Lo scopo di questo talk è chiarire i principi del reactive programming definite dal reactive manifesto e formalizzate dalle Flow API insieme alle feature più avanzate di processazione, trasformazione e combinazione di eventi offerti da RxJava.
The future of e-commerce requires personalized content for each individual customer. With over 20 million active users, Zalando is facing the challenge of making its frontends more scalable in order to achieve this goal. We brought a solution from the backend to the frontend: microservices. In addition to creating Project Mosaic (https://www.mosaic9.org)—our solution for modular frontends—and using a toolbox of modern web technologies like React and Webpack, we built an architecture that can scale to virtually any size and even support targets other than the browser.
To say that a web application is fast or slow is a complex subject: several factors are involved, and several different metrics can be used to measure how it's performing. This talk will showcase different approaches to web performance measurement and different techniques that can be used to measure, track and optimize web applications.
Do you feel the JavaScript fatigue? Are you still trying to learn ‘the next big thing’? Does your code seem legacy just after six months because of that ‘next big thing’? Have you ever thought of building a software, even a complex one, without any kind of dependency on your package.json? During the talk, we are going to see how to create your own framework and libraries with just standard ECMAScript features and W3C standard APIs.
What if you could look at the source code behind any visualization, understand how it works, run it to check the results using the latest data and modify the parameters to explore different aspects of the data? I this talk, I will show how we used F# and functional programming to develop a new browser-based data visualization environment. I will show two fun projects that we created looking at the history of Olympic games and testing what people know about the UK government spending. Expect to learn about fun data science and programming challenges we encountered along the way!
This presentation was given at Lambda World 2017 by Zainab Ali. Follow: -https://www.twitter.com/47deg -https://www.twitter.com/lambda_world -https://www.twitter.com/_zainabali_ Visit: -https://www.47deg.com/events for more details -http://www.lambda.world ___ Recursion is at the heart of every functional programmer's toolkit, but with it comes a lot of boilerplate. In the early 1990s, the seminal paper Functional Programming with Bananas, Lenses, Envelopes and Barbed Wire (Erik Meijer, M.M. Fokkinga, and Ross Paterson) introduced a little-known technique known as recursion schemes. This technique makes recursion generic, removing much of the boilerplate associated with it, and cleanly separating business logic from recursive traversal. It paved the way to many different schemes, each for their own kind of recursive traversal. This talk explores the technique of recursion schemes and how to use it. We start with primitive recursion, briefly diving into folds, before deriving the catamorphism, a specific recursion schema for the right fold. We shall see that there is a rich zoo of recursion schemes for different types of folds, unfolds and more.
En este screencast haremos un repaso rápido al workshop que facilitó Jesús López "Don't fear the Optics" en la Lambda World 2017. "Las ópticas son un conjunto de patrones que nos permiten trabajar con estructuras de datos inmutables de forma realmente simple" Subscríbete al canal en: https://www.youtube.com/c/CodelyTV?sub_confirmation=1 Aprende Programación Funcional con los cursos de CodelyTV Pro: * Oferta Black friday: https://codely.tv/pro/black-friday * Oferta lanzamiento: https://codely.tv/pro/lanzamiento
En esta charla se explicará como "torturar" a Symfony para que permita desarrollar una arquitectura orientada a servicios sin mucho dolor. José Luis "Patrick" Laso Senior Software Developer con más de 20 años de experiencia. Creador de tradukoj.com , miembro de php_valencia y escritor. (caso prietov) https://twitter.com/jl_laso Carlos Agudo Senior Web Developer, con al menos una web desde hace 20 años. Ex aciliano, ex vaughanero y certificado en php 5.3. https://twitter.com/KarlosLupus Tanto Carlos como José Luis trabajan actualmente en Digilant. Meetup: https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/PHPMad/events/233305569/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/phpmad Nos vemos en PHPMad...