Vídeos de programación

Vídeos sobre programación y desarrollo de software.
Vídeo resumen de la quinta edición de Codemotion Madrid, que se ha celebrado los días 18 y 19 de noviembre. Vídeo realizado por Fernando Vílchez
¿Qué es Lanzadera? Ana Gímenez Crespo (Ana Gímenez Crespo y Patricia Cantalapiedra, Lanzadera) Cómo lanzar un proyecto al mundo sin morir en el intento (Ana Gímenez Crespo y Patricia Cantalapiedra, Lanzadera)
Redes Alumni como factor de éxito en la creación de empresas. Caso Cuatroochenta, Sergio Aguado (Cofundador de Cuatroochenta y alumno de Ingeniería de Informática por la Universitat Jaume I)
¿Qué es StartWars? Ricardo Borillo (Universitat Jaume I) Metodología Bill Aulet, no desperdicies tiempo y recursos Juanjo T. Radiu (Boxvot). Explicaremos el funcionamiento de la metodología de Bill Aulet, Director de Emprendedurismo del MIT, utilizando ejemplos de proyectos que han pasado por StartWars.
NativeScript has opened up a whole new world to Angular developers: the ability to share code—directly—between your web and native iOS/Android applications. Which is awesome! But, just because you can share code across multiple platforms, doesn’t mean that you necessarily should. In this talk we’ll first take a look at what NativeScript makes possible from a code sharing perspective. We’ll build a few Angular components and use them both in the browser and on mobile devices. Then we’ll take a step back and look at the same code from a pragmatic, maintenance-oriented perspective. Come for practical tips & tricks on sharing code across multiple development environments. #AngularCamp #Angular
Augury is a Chrome Developer Tools extension that allows developers to visualize their Angular 2.0 application’s component tree and the data associated with it. Our goal with this project is two-fold: help developers find bugs in their Angular 2.0 applications but also allow them to visualize their applications and their higher level structure at runtime. Our long term vision is also to help developers optimize the performance of their application using this tool. Augury itself is an open source effort started at Rangle.io and is developed using TypeScript and Angular 2.0. #AngularCamp #Angular
The browser is our most important platform - but sometimes we need the native features of our desktop OS. Nowadays the journey from the browser to any popular desktop environment isn't that far. GitHub's Electron empowers each and every frontend developer to create real desktop applications for all major platforms like Windows, Linux and MacOS X in almost no time - with one single codebase. Join Thorsten Hans in this talk and see all required steps to package your Angular2 app as a real cross platform application with native powers! #AngularCamp #Angular
Progressive Web Apps are the next stage of modern browser applications. They are offline-enabled, can be installed and support real notifications and data synchronisation in the background thanks to the latest browser standard offline capacity. They take use of modern approaches such as service workers, the web app manifest, browser databases and the app shell pattern are also included. This session will look at this new architectural approach that has already been taken up by national and international concerns alike whilst showing, based on the example of an Angular 2 application, how this approach can be realised and what needs to be looked out for when doing so #AngularCamp #Angular
Let's dominate the world with JavaScript! We are going to take a simple AngularJS 'Simon' game and quickly convert to run on a small Arduino-like board running JavaScript, switching from a web-based game interface into a real-world interface, with hardware buttons and lights. You will see how you can leverage your existing JavaScript programming skills for controlling real-world electronic devices and hardware and get a quick taste of the amazing things you can do with this technology. #AngularCamp #Angular