Vídeos de programación

Vídeos sobre programación y desarrollo de software.
Para nuestro compañero Yair algunos de los principales motivos por los considera Autentia una empresa diferente son los valores de esfuerzo, cariño y gusto por el trabajo bien hecho que genera en nuestra empresa un ambiente de compañerismo y apoyo. Descarga gratis la versión digital del libro de Roberto Canales “Conversaciones con CEOs y CIOs sobre Transformación Digital y Metodologías Ágiles ” https://goo.gl/i2zZtJ Suscríbete a nuestra newsletter; https://goo.gl/5jc6uP Facebook; https://goo.gl/o8HrWX Twitter; https://goo.gl/MU5pUQ LinkedIn https://goo.gl/2On7Fj/
Here is a resume of the finalist of the Photo #Teamwork contest. We are shocked by the quality of pictures. We will definitely create more request in the nearest future. Check them out!
“How lucky you are that you are paid to work on Open Source Software!” Thanks, but that was not luck. I was lucky that my father put me in front of a Commodore64 when I was four. I was lucky when my application for an MBA got rejected… but I developed OSS libraries for two years before anyone noticed. The truth is that there is absolutely no luck in becoming an OSS developer. You need dedication, will and grit. Along with a strong desire for learning new things: from mastering version control to convincing others of your ideas. The good news is that you can become an OSS developer too!
In 1960, Sir Tony Hoare introduced the concept of "null" to programming. Today he calls this his "billion dollar mistake," as he estimates null has caused a billion dollars in economic damage. If this was a billion-dollar mistake, what about the reverse? How can we develop the billion-dollar foresight to avoid such mistakes in the first place? Over the years, I've come to see the wisdom in certain software design approaches that trade minor short-term costs for major long-term benefits. This talk presents these approaches as decision-making guidelines that can have amazing long-term payoffs.
Progress in our profession happens slowly as we clumsily shift from one paradigm to another. This talk looks at the next important advance in programming, and why we are trying to prevent its adoption.
Jeff's 36 years of experience in constantly making video games, the times, the hardware and the challenges.
As we promised you, here is the application of what we explained last Thursday. Rafa and Joaquin run the explanation ;) Enjoy and see you in the next Meet up!
#Codemotion Rome 2018 - Payment is oddly cultural. 25 years after the creation of the Internet, every country has its own preferred online payments method : Credit Cards in France, Ideal in the Netherlands, Sofort in Germany, Alipay or WeChat Pay in China. For developers, navigating international payments has always been a nightmare : different technical standards and heterogenous flows, offline administrative work, poor documentation... In this talk Stan will describe Stripe's efforts to build /v1/sources - a universal payments API - that allows Stripe to add new payments methods at scale and help businesses better.
#Codemotion Rome 2018 - Chiara Russo & Andrea Ferlito open the 8th edition of Codemotion in Rome.