
Recursos de programación de agile
Although more than half of the world’s websites are in English, only about 25% of web users are English speakers. With half of the world’s population connected and more coming online every minute, internationalisation is as relevant as ever! Let’s explore how i18n gets made on the web and what we should keep in mind and what we should avoid when making the web more accessible to the world. About: Eli Schütze Ramírez, Web engineer, Monzo Eli is a software developer currently working as an Agile UI Developer at Trainline developing a full stack javascript application (Node, Typescript, React, Redux, RxJS) with unit and integration tests (Jest, Enzyme, Selenium) with preference for functional programming design patterns. She works to constantly improve upon and create solutions for issues around web performance, accessibility, web analytics, localisation, multi-currency support, and browser compatibility. She's a big advocate of diversity in tech and coach/mentor at both codebar and NodeGirls and organizes Reactivate, a monthly meetup
Quiero añadir visualización de datos a mi aplicación web o PWA. ¿Qué herramientas puedo utilizar? Hasta hace un par de años, la respuesta casi siempre era 'd3.js'. Hoy en día los frameworks modernos como Vue.js o React resuelven mucho mejor la reactividad de los gráficos frente a los datos. Podemos seguir usando d3.js como siempre, adaptar d3 a los componentes Vue.js o usar otras herramientas menos flexibles pero más sencillas. En esta charla veremos las distintas opciones a través de ejemplos de visualizaciones de datos sencillas y complejas sobre frameworks modernos. About: Javier Abadía, Lead Developer - StyleSage Javier is an experienced technologist that has been working in different technical and management roles over the last 20 years: leading development teams, evangelizing about geographic information technology and even writing software for various models of fighter aircraft. He believes in zero-bug software, paranoid testing, agile methodologies automation and team work. Passionate runner and skier, he has decided his next big adventure will be to have fun developing the best big-data analytics front-end anyone has ever seen. Javier has a Computer Engineering Degree from University of Zaragoza
What if you take the digital business organization of a global fashion brand, merge it with all the technical functions it needs to evolve and operate, then you create cross functional teams and flatten all the hierarchies around them, finally, you target a software architecture that is enabled by just such a flat delivery organization. What does it look like? Also, any suggestions? About: Carlo Bottiglieri, Global Digital Development Director, GUCCI I'm a long time XP developer, passionate about software design and radical agile organizations. Source of potentially productive chaos in the search of excellence. Before joining Gucci I was in charge of software delivery in senseFly, so, working mostly on autonomous flying wings; before that I was writing static code analyzers in SonarSource; before that I was enterprise architect in Nestlè; before that I built the omnichannel software architecture of Nespresso and its development organization. In other words, your classic engineering manager.
Se trata de una iniciativa promovida a nivel global por Google para visibilizar a las mujeres en el ámbito de la tecnología. Women Techmakers quiere crear una comunidad con visibilidad, generando recursos que impulsen la innovación y la participación de las mujeres en este campo. Se trata de un evento abierto a cualquier persona interesada en el mundo de la tecnología donde abarcar diferentes temas como nuevas tecnologías, agile, comunicación, desarrollo web, UX o cualquier tema interesante del sector. ----------------------- Todos los vídeos de #WTMZ19 en: ¡Conoce Autentia! Twitter: Instagram: LinkedIn: Facebook:
We work in companies that separate the visual part of the web, the design and the front-end, in completely different professional positions, even in different departments. What benefits would we get from having mixed profiles that could work in both disciplines and therefore connect them? In this talk I want to make visible these professional profiles called "UX Engineer", talk about what education we have, how we work, our contribution to teams in agile methodologies, our involvement in the entire visual process, what we are and what we are not. ------------- Todos los vídeos de Barcelona Software Crafters 2019 en: ¡Conoce Autentia! Twitter: Instagram: LinkedIn: Facebook:
¿Y si lo escuchas mientras vas al trabajo o te pones en forma?: ------------- We will discuss continuous delivery on steroids and how not having QAs or Release Eng is good for the end users, the business and the engineers. We will cover topics like CD/CI, automated testing, metrics, experiments and agile production environments (4-5 code changes a day per developer). We will follow up with how that can be extended into self-healing runtime environments and how to build systems with extreme reliability (e.g. 99.999% availability). ------------- Todos los vídeos de Codemotion 2019 en: ¡Conoce Autentia! Twitter: Instagram: LinkedIn: Facebook:
Llevamos cinco años hablando de Serverless. Tenemos tutoriales a cascoporro donde nos enseñan a crear una lambda desde la consola y ver como responde a eventos que hemos añadido utilizando una interfaz de usuario. Pero estamos preparados para usarlas en proyectos de mayor envergadura que una simple demo? Es Serverless lo suficientemente madura para utilizarla en producción? En esta charla trataremos de entender qué es Serverless, que desafios operacionales conlleva una aplicación desarrollada con esta tecnología e intentaremos evaluar su madurez intentando mapear los principios de la cultura About: Vicenç García Altés, Director, Craft Foster Ltd When I'm not playing with my son I'm trying help teams to improve. I'm an seasoned .Net developer who believes in the agile principles.
¿Y si lo escuchas mientras vas al trabajo o te pones en forma?: ------------- How predictable is your code? How predictable is your system, your project or your business? What does it mean to be predictable? Knowing this will help us write better code, create better systems and run better projects and help us understand why agile practices work and when they may not be enough. ------------- Todos los vídeos de Barcelona Software Crafters 2019 en: ¡Conoce Autentia! Twitter: Instagram: LinkedIn: Facebook:
Vicenç García Altés, Director - Craft Foster Ltd When I'm not playing with my son I'm trying help teams to improve. I'm an seasoned .Net developer who believes in the agile principles.
About Javier: Javier Abadía, Lead Developer - StyleSage Javier is an experienced technologist that has been working in different technical and management roles over the last 20 years: leading development teams, evangelizing about geographic information technology and even writing software for various models of fighter aircraft. He believes in zero-bug software, paranoid testing, agile methodologies automation and team work. Passionate runner and skier, he has decided his next big adventure will be to have fun developing the best big-data analytics front-end anyone has ever seen. Javier has a Computer Engineering Degree from University of Zaragoza.